Those with short attention spans, rejoice! TL;DR Wikipedia is hilarious.
Let's face it, we all turn to Wikipedia, that fount of online knowledge, from time to time when we need to...well, to seem smart. Wikipedia is a valuable resource on the web which delves into great depth on topics ranging from the extraordinarily mundane, to the most important moments in human history. Yet, with most Wiki entries logging up to a thousand words per article, who has the time to slog through all that text? Certainly not today's short attention span-having web users.
Enter your new favorite Tumblr blog, TL;DR Wikipedia.
In case you're not up-to-date on your web slang, TL;DR stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read," and people use the expression when they encounter a very long web article that they don't have the patience to read through.
TL;DR Wikipedia offers extremely short, concise, and often hilariously blunt Wiki definitions. Their tagline is "Wikipedia: Condensed for your pleasure," and they're not kidding. Each definition is only a few lines long, and they're totally hysterical in their brevity. Here are fifteen of the funniest TL;DR Wikipedia entries to date.
Every tax season, we all get this rude reminder, don't we?
Speaking of taxes.... I guess this is my problem! I've been trying to do my own taxes all these years. Like a chump.
This one is for all the parents out there. If I had a nickel for every time I've said something like this to my offspring, I might be able to afford an accountant.
Every. Freaking. Time. Am I right?
No matter how much Airborne or Emergen-C I down, I always end up arriving at my destination a little bit sicker than I was when I left. Maybe we could get a few Chlorox Wipes up in here?
Conference calls are the bain of a corporate existence. No, that's not hyperbole.
It's funny, 'cuz it's true.
This is why the internet's version of encyclopedias will always beat those clunky old paper versions. I remember that we had an old set of encyclopedias that didn't even have the moon landing listed. These things were obsolete before the print was even dry.
This is harsh, for sure... but still funny! Poor Kurt.
Even the most diehard Starbucks fans know this is true (even if they won't admit it).
See also: A visual clue to the world that you have completely given up on looking presentable in public. Also, the only pants I ever actually yearn to put on at the end of the day. Yeah, I said it.
Enter your new favorite Tumblr blog, TL;DR Wikipedia.
In case you're not up-to-date on your web slang, TL;DR stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read," and people use the expression when they encounter a very long web article that they don't have the patience to read through.
TL;DR Wikipedia offers extremely short, concise, and often hilariously blunt Wiki definitions. Their tagline is "Wikipedia: Condensed for your pleasure," and they're not kidding. Each definition is only a few lines long, and they're totally hysterical in their brevity. Here are fifteen of the funniest TL;DR Wikipedia entries to date.
1. 1040EZ
Every tax season, we all get this rude reminder, don't we?
2. Accountant
Speaking of taxes.... I guess this is my problem! I've been trying to do my own taxes all these years. Like a chump.
3. Air Conditioner
This one is for all the parents out there. If I had a nickel for every time I've said something like this to my offspring, I might be able to afford an accountant.
4. Airplane
Every. Freaking. Time. Am I right?
No matter how much Airborne or Emergen-C I down, I always end up arriving at my destination a little bit sicker than I was when I left. Maybe we could get a few Chlorox Wipes up in here?
5. Conference Call
Conference calls are the bain of a corporate existence. No, that's not hyperbole.
6. Electoral College
It's funny, 'cuz it's true.
7. Encyclopedia Brittanica
This is why the internet's version of encyclopedias will always beat those clunky old paper versions. I remember that we had an old set of encyclopedias that didn't even have the moon landing listed. These things were obsolete before the print was even dry.
8. Kurt Cobain
This is harsh, for sure... but still funny! Poor Kurt.
9. Latte
Even the most diehard Starbucks fans know this is true (even if they won't admit it).
10. Sweatpants
See also: A visual clue to the world that you have completely given up on looking presentable in public. Also, the only pants I ever actually yearn to put on at the end of the day. Yeah, I said it.