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The Truth About Crystal Balls And Love Advice On Finding The One

Have you ever wondered what the deal is with crystal balls? We've all heard of them, but what exactly is the deal with crystal ball readings? We were able to get in touch with Jojo Savard, the best Astrologer Psychic in the business, known for her accuracy, honesty, and being completely legit in her craft. In this fascinating interview, Jojo Savard talks crystal ball readings, and gives us some great advice on love for those of us that are looking for our soulmate. 

Jojo Savard on crystal balls:

Jojo Savard:

You see the principle of dark and light, everything is energy, the universe is light, everything has to become light. 

The crystal ball is a very special energy crystal, that has reached a certain state of crystallization, and is able to reflect light in the universe. 

From us:

Crystals are magical, they have the power and wisdom of the ages within them.

Jojo Savard:

Especially in the full moon, that crystal, what it does is expands, and when you're with the right group of people in a certain stage. You sage the room, you get the moon there, and what you do is you get the people lined up, and in a certain mantra, and you concentrate on the crystal ball. 

From us:

So the light from the moon is channeled into the crystal ball, and in that light is where the vision is seen?

Jojo Savard:

The light of the universe will enter the light of the crystal ball and you can have what you call a seance. You can have visions right in the crystal ball. It's just amazing. You have to be in the right place at the right time, people book them. 

From Us:

People can book crystal ball readings with you via your website right?

Jojo Savard:


From us:

How about some advice for those of us searching for the one out there?

Jojo Savard:

Me I especially have an incredible connection with love compatibility, I'm a match maker in many ways. I'm really, really good, and I'm good to give the truth. 

Sometimes just take some time out to get some advice and reflect on what the potentialities are.

It's either you keep the lover or you throw them out. 

You work with him because he's worth it, sometimes they're very stubborn, but you give tricks to the mate on how to catch the fish. 

Or sometimes it's a wild horse, a player, and the two of you are perfectly compatible except he has bad habits from the past so what do you do?

You tell the girl "Ya' know you need to train that horse. You want it to go to the stable so you're going to have to make that stable a lot of fun, and you have to keep the doors open". Sometimes just by giving that extra piece of information she'll keep that nice horse, and he will go to the stable and he will win that race for her. If she hadn't had that information she could have missed out on the opportunity to have a great guy.

From us:

The wild horse advice changed my love life for the better, that piece of information has already made a difference in my life, seriously. Connecting with Jojo made all the difference, she knows how to make dreams become reality.

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