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The Need For Street Furniture Design

The importance of street furniture design is not a topic that is discussed very widely.
Thinking about it, who would even think of such a thing? Because of this, the importance of street furniture design has not really been given much attention.
These things are the different kinds of objects and equipments used that people see in the public sphere.
Street furniture refers to obvious pieces like those benches and street lamps.
However, it also includes less known items such as post boxes, traffic signs, and even those random bollards that can be driving hazards while in the city.
All of these things need to come from a specific place.
The thing is, they need more flair and design.
Take for example the many phone boxes that one can see when strolling about in the city.
There would be more beauty if the designs were more coherent.
This means there should be at least a localised theme that these items can be based upon.
That is better than just having plain items made of steel and concrete.
More attractive designs can do wonders.
Aside from the obvious better aesthetic value they can deliver, these can make the locality more memorable for visitors.
They might also be a trademark for a certain place.
These public pieces even have some effects on the state of mind of people.
Take for example the wonderful red post boxes and telephone booths in London? They definitely catch the eye of the visitor and leave imprints on the mind.

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