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The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Easily!

Forget about buying expensive diet pills or costly Jenny Craig meals; the fastest way to lose weight is right under your nose!

Erin Stevens learned the fastest way to lose weight by accident. She was naturally thin and never had a problem gaining weight, until she landed her dream job as a Hotel Concierge. "Not even one week in, I started getting free dinner invitations. Some were restaurants I could never afford to eat at with my own money." When Erin did go to affordable restaurants, she'd just get the entree and water; however now Erin could order ANYTHING at any restaurant for free!

"Suddenly I could order a Appetizer, Salad, Entree and Dessert!" Erin forgot to mention the before dinner Cocktail and wine pairings. It wasn't long before her favorite pair of jeans started getting too tight. "I've always been naturally thin, now suddenly I had cellulite and a tummy!" Erin couldn't just stop accepting invitations, because she had to be knowledgeable about restaurants in the area. She needed to know the fastest way to lose weight quick!

A solution to her problem came by accident. "One night I couldn't find parking near the restaurant I was going too and ended up 4 blocks away!" Erin could have used valet, but wanted to save money. By the time Erin reached the restaurant, her heart was beating a little faster and she had worked up a little sweat. By simply refusing to Valet her car, she earned some exercise credit. The walk back and forth equaled 1 mile. Erin said the exercise made her feel better. "The walk back actually alleviated the "bloated" feeling I usually get after dinner."

Erin had inadvertently found an answer for the fastest way to lose weight, which is sneaking in extra exercise! According to some Weight Loss Experts, dieters often have a negative association when it comes to the dreaded "E" word, meaning exercise. "No one is saying that you have to do the Iron Man, or run a Marathon," says one expert. Sometimes even small amounts of exercise can make a difference. The fastest way to lose weight can mean incorporating exercise into daily activities.

Cleaning, yard work and walking the dog... all constitutes exercise. Some Weight Loss Programs encourage dieters to keep an exercise journal. Did you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Park two blocks from your job? Wash dishes by hands instead of using the dishwasher? Write all of it down. "Having an actual log will spur you to do more and more," remarks another expert.

The fastest way to lose weight is to be inventive with exercise! If you find yourself at home watching tv, do some sit ups or jumping jacks during commercial breaks. Watching a football game? Create an mini exercise routine for each quarter. Do only exercises you like to do! Yes you heard right! If you don't like a particular exercise, don't do it! That erroneous "No pain, no gain" philosophy is why most people associate discomfort with exercise.

Psychologically, people are motivated by two things, avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. Imagine two women have just joined a gym. The first woman loves to swim, so she comes in regularly to catch a couple of laps after work. The second woman opts for a trainer, however she is so sore the next day it's impossible to move without flinching in pain. Who do you think will continue their workout routine? If you guess the first woman, correct. The second woman will probably avoid the gym and trainers for the rest of her natural life! The point is... if you make exercise fun, you're more likely to continue doing it. "Relive your youth with a hula hoop, a jump rope or roller blades...The possibilities are literally endless" say a diet expert. Use this advice and you have found the fastest way to lose weight!

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