How to Become a Teacher in the State of California
- 1). Earn a multiple-subject teaching credential either at a college, university or through a district internship program. All teachers must complete a baccalaureate degree.
- 2). Pass the California basic skills test. Teachers must obtain a score of at least 123 on the CBEST.
- 3). Complete an approved elementary subject-matter teacher program or pass subject-matter examinations. Examinations include reading, language, literature, history, social science, mathematics, science, physical education, human development and visual and performing arts.
- 4). Complete a U.S. Constitution course or pass a U.S. Constitution exam.
- 5). Complete a computer course, which includes instruction in general computer skills and in specific education-related computer skills.
- 1). Earn a single-subject teaching credential either at a college, university or through a district internship program. All teachers must complete a baccalaureate degree.
- 2). Pass the California basic skills test. Teachers must obtain a score of at least 123 on the CBEST.
- 3). Complete an approved subject-matter teacher program or pass subject-matter examinations.
- 4). Complete a U.S. Constitution course or pass a U.S. Constitution exam.
- 5). Complete a computer course, which includes instruction in general computer skills and in specific education-related computer skills.
- 1). Earn an education specialist instruction credential either at a college, university or through a district internship program. All teachers must complete a baccalaureate degree.
- 2). Choose a special education emphasis. Options include mild/moderate disabilities, moderate/severe disabilities, deaf and hard of hearing, visual impairments, physical and health impairments and early childhood special education.
- 3). Pass the California basic skills test. Teachers must obtain a score of at least 123 on the CBEST.
- 4). Complete an approved subject-matter teacher program or pass subject-matter examinations.
- 5). Complete a health education course, which includes CPR training.
- 6). Complete a computer course, which includes instruction in general computer skills and in specific education-related computer skills.