A Quality Shower Filter Offers 2 Surprising Benefits - Cleaner Air and Less Fatigue
You may be aware of some of the dangers of chlorine and other chemicals in your shower water.
There is indeed a growing link between showering in chlorinated water and health issues ranging from dandruff to cancer.
Compared to drinking water, we know that when showering, more than two times the level of chlorine and other synthetic chemicals can find their way into our body, either through skin absorption or inhalation.
A quality shower water filter can not only reduce or eliminate the threats that chemicals pose, it can also help get rid of significant cosmetic conditions.
These include dry skin, dry hair, bloodshot eyes and skin disorders such as eczema.
However, one benefit of shower filters that is not very well known is that they can improve the quality of air in your home, and consequently, lessen fatigue.
With levels of chlorine greater than swimming pools in some cases, the threat of taking in chemicals during a shower is not our only health problem.
Since chlorine and synthetic chemicals vaporize at a lower temperature and faster rate than water, the steam from a shower may have up to 20 times the concentration of chemicals as regular tap water.
What this means is that although over 98% of the water coming out of your showerhead goes down the drain, between 70% to 90% of the chemicals in the water vaporize before hitting the shower floor.
The EPA recently stated that because of the chlorine in our shower water, nearly all homes in America have a detectable level of chloroform gas in the air.
As chlorine vaporizes, it combines with organic compounds in the air and converts to chloroform.
Chloroform is a strong respiratory irritant and causes fatigue.
A two-stage shower filtration process is one of the best and most inexpensive ways to reduce the level of chloroform gas that may be present in your home.
Although there are more direct negative effects of taking a shower in unfiltered water, chloroform in your air should be added to the list of reasons why shower filters should be a necessity for you and your family's health.
Judging from the tremendous increase in sales of chlorine shower filter systems over the last few years, it appears that their health and cosmetic benefits are steadily coming into public awareness.
When you consider that clean air and pure water are two of the most important (maybe the most important) keys to long-term health, it is easy to see why investing in the right shower water filter is one of the best investments you can make.
There is indeed a growing link between showering in chlorinated water and health issues ranging from dandruff to cancer.
Compared to drinking water, we know that when showering, more than two times the level of chlorine and other synthetic chemicals can find their way into our body, either through skin absorption or inhalation.
A quality shower water filter can not only reduce or eliminate the threats that chemicals pose, it can also help get rid of significant cosmetic conditions.
These include dry skin, dry hair, bloodshot eyes and skin disorders such as eczema.
However, one benefit of shower filters that is not very well known is that they can improve the quality of air in your home, and consequently, lessen fatigue.
With levels of chlorine greater than swimming pools in some cases, the threat of taking in chemicals during a shower is not our only health problem.
Since chlorine and synthetic chemicals vaporize at a lower temperature and faster rate than water, the steam from a shower may have up to 20 times the concentration of chemicals as regular tap water.
What this means is that although over 98% of the water coming out of your showerhead goes down the drain, between 70% to 90% of the chemicals in the water vaporize before hitting the shower floor.
The EPA recently stated that because of the chlorine in our shower water, nearly all homes in America have a detectable level of chloroform gas in the air.
As chlorine vaporizes, it combines with organic compounds in the air and converts to chloroform.
Chloroform is a strong respiratory irritant and causes fatigue.
A two-stage shower filtration process is one of the best and most inexpensive ways to reduce the level of chloroform gas that may be present in your home.
Although there are more direct negative effects of taking a shower in unfiltered water, chloroform in your air should be added to the list of reasons why shower filters should be a necessity for you and your family's health.
Judging from the tremendous increase in sales of chlorine shower filter systems over the last few years, it appears that their health and cosmetic benefits are steadily coming into public awareness.
When you consider that clean air and pure water are two of the most important (maybe the most important) keys to long-term health, it is easy to see why investing in the right shower water filter is one of the best investments you can make.