Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

The Process Of Killing Head Lice Nits

A lesser amount of body lice is known in the United States.

Other sexually-transmitted diseases correlate the presence of pubic lice because they are usually obtained from sexual intercourse. Also found in other hairy parts of the body.

Killing Head Lice Nits []

The head lice can be seen on the hairs of the head, the body lice on clothes, and pubic lice on hairs near the groin.

People infested with lice are restricted from entering barbershops and beauty salons. There were crusades to put racial groups that may be of grave threat of carrying these infections into quarantine.


Studies say that head lice may have been taken from mummies of ancient times. They cannot burrow the eggs into the scalp. Lice lay their eggs in clumps on the hair close to the scalp where there is enough heat to keep these eggs warm until they are hatched.

Be very careful looking in the scalp for they will try to keep away from the light all through your examination. These six-legged pests have extraordinary claws that make them grip very tightly to the hair.


Explorers from Europe who came back to the Old World from the Americas would have brought the Clade B lice back to Europe in the early 16th Century.

The migration of the Europeans to Australia 150 years later could have been the cause of existence of Clade B lice in Australia and possibly the most part of the world. Group contacts between parents and children transactions are perilous infectivity than sharing of personal paraphernalia.

By means of the latest gathered lice samples, we can work out the rate of recurrence, geographic distribution and inherited variety of louse mitochondrial clades to find out the origin of the lice that belong to Clade B.


It may take some time before the child starts to feel the itchiness depending on the sensitivity of the skin of the child. Some are seen behind the ears.

The hair should be combed section by section until the whole scalp has been checked and carefully observe the comb if there are living lice present in every slide on the hair. For some kids, rashes may also occur.

The saliva of the louse makes people sensitive to the bites and severes the irritation, thus increasing the chance of another infection caused by too much scratching. These incidents can be very hard to handle because the person afflicted is usually discharged as being unsteady.


You can use adhesive tape wrapped around your finger with the sticky side up. Children under 3 years should not be treated with medicated lice shampoo or lotion. You will have to remove the lice manually. Improper use of these things may become unsuccessful or may even lead to injury.

There is no exact method of destroying 100 of the infestation but the doctor can prescribe a certain medical shampoo or lotion that can kill the lice.


If necessary, it may be thrown away. It is an effective way to kill the lice

Clothes which cannot be machine washed should be dry cleaned.

If all the nits are gone, they cannot become nymphs to start infestation. Out of the six hundred samples of supposed lice and nits that were submitted to be examined, lesser than two-thirds contained proof of lice infestation.

Look for some mild skin cleansers that are free of pesticide, it may be effective and safer to use. Children's stuffed toys should also be dry cleaned if not placed inside a bag for two weeks then it will die

Carpets, sofas and couches should be vacuum cleaned

Rinse and soak thoroughly hair instruments in hot water and soap for ten minutes or place them outside the house for 3 days.


These lice really are not easy to bring to an end. It is important to educate the children to stay away from head lice. Avoiding head lice infestation is mainly the center of attention of most parents and doctors.

If you think that you followed every given directions and the child still has lice, this could only mean that there may be some nits left on the scalp; or there is still a member of the family with lice; maybe the medicine you are using is inappropriate. Everybody is prone to acquire these lice. Just follow the process of The Process Of Killing Head Lice Nits.

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