Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Top 5 Tips to Stop Smoking

It is quite difficult to stop smoking after years of being addicted to the dangerous cigarettes.
People generally realize the dangers when they start to see the effects in their body.
When you start running short of breaths, your teeth start looking pale, you start depending on cigarettes too much; that is when you realize that it is now time to just quit.
If you have made a decision to quit cigarettes, then congratulations! That is the first and most important step to take.
It is the most difficult hurdle to come over and you have done it.
What comes after this is certainly difficult but you can overcome it with will power and perseverance.
Here are my five tips to stop smoking.
Don't just try, make sure you do it.
There is a lot of difference between trying and doing.
The first step will be to be determined and leave no room for failure.
If you leave room to go back to smoking then you are going to take it.
It is a good idea to set a date and stick to it.
Make sure you choose a date that is suitable to you, because if it is not, then you are going to go back to smoking in the initial stage of your attempt, which is not a good thing.
If you have any parties coming up, make sure you choose a date which is after the parties.
Tell your friends and family about it.
If you tell your friends and family about it then not only you is going to get support from them, you will also be answerable to someone.
If you fail in your attempt, then all of them are going to know that you failed.
This factor, even though if it works on fear, might prove to be an advantage for you.
Don't hesitate to take advantage of therapies, consultancies and aids.
There are a lot of therapies, consultancies and aids that are available to assist smokers in quitting.
Do not be afraid to use them as they are there to help people like you.
You can get a lot of valuable advice from them.
In the initial stages of your struggle keep yourself busy.
You can find a lot of work if you want to.
It is best to keep yourself active and busy because boredom just leads to cigarettes.
If you are able to achieve any goal that you set yourself then treat yourself.
For example, if you don't smoke for a week, then use the money that you save to buy yourself a gift or a treat.
Do it with every milestone that you reach.
Now that you have quit smoking, you will be saving a lot of money to treat yourself with.
It might be difficult to fight with the cravings that come every once in a while.
You should know that the cravings last only a minute or two, and if you are able to distract yourself for those two minutes you will be alright.
Quitting cigarettes is the best decision that you ever made and it will be one of the best accomplishment of your life when you will look back after ten years.
There is no better time to stop smoking than right now.
So just go for it.

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