Health & Medical Parenting

School Children With Gay and Lesbian Parents

There are many lesbian and gay parents nowadays in different parts of the world and they will surely increase in the future.
This type of family should not be considered a problem in a society because gay and lesbian people are just like any other individuals, wanting to be a parent and having a child of their own.
School Children with Gay and Lesbian Parents Gay and lesbian parents have the right to have a child to raise and look after and care for.
However, the issue here is about the child in school.
What will happen when the classmates of the child learn that the child has a gay or lesbian parent? Would the child encounter any issues when he or she reaches his or her adolescent age? How does the teacher in the classroom support the students? Studies show that children raised in heterosexual families are no different than children raised by a gay or lesbian parent.
In fact, children that are being raised by gay or lesbian parents tend to be warm, caring, nurturing and show empathy to others because of the attitudes the parents show to their children.
However, there are concerns that accompany it.
Because as the child grows up, according to Erick Erikson's Psychosocial Development model, there may be conflict in Identity vs.
Role Confusion at the adolescence stage.
Kids tend to be confused of what their true identity is.
Moreover, these children may also have difficulty in terms of their social relationship because they might be teased and humiliated by their classmates and friends which will serve as a stigma to them.
What should Gay and Lesbian Parents do? In order to avoid this from happening, gay or lesbian parents should talk to their children about their family while the children are still young.
Also, parents must go to the school where their children attend in order to discuss the status of their family and to know what stand the school would take about their family.
Most of all, the parents must show their children a positive attitude toward the opposite sex so that the child will not be confused when gender identity occurs in adolescence.
Children who are brought up correctly with a perfect balance of nature and nurture can be excellent citizens regardless of sexual orientation of the parents.
Read more about Gay and Lesbian Families [http://drpfconsults.

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