Home & Garden Architecture

How to Cut Laminated Flooring at an Angle

    • 1). Use your tape measure, tri-square and pencil to mark the necessary cut on the face of the laminated board, running the pencil line from one edge to the other at the desired angle.

    • 2). Lay a piece of masking tape over the whole line, lengthwise. Lay your tri-square over the line (it should still be faintly visible through the masking tape), and draw the line over the tape.

    • 3). Set the board on your miter saw. Adjust the swivel setting of the saw so that the blade is directly over the line, and in the same position.

    • 4). Hold the board steady with one hand. With the other hand, squeeze the trigger of the saw. Let the blade spin for a moment and get up to full speed before bringing it down through the board.

    • 5). Bring the blade down slowly through the board. Raise it back up, slowly. Don't release the trigger until the blade has entirely cleared the board.

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