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Customize Your Joomla Site With Templates.

Joomla is an open source content management system (CMS). A Joomla website comes with a default template. The template decides how the website looks and also plays a role in its functionality. Joomla's default templates are fine for general use. But for websites with a commercial goal, the default template design is not enough. Joomla is increasingly being used by companies and professionals to build websites. Each Joomla website is competing for attention in its own market. This has led to a need for customization to get a unique look and functionality.

Custom Joomla Templates

Joomla makes it fairly straight forward to replace the default templates with custom templates designed by third parties. In most cases a basic knowledge of installing templates is enough. Most free templates are easy to install and use. Some highly customized templates may require professional support and installation help due to their complexity. Templates are available from the simple to the complex. There are free and commercially available versions.

Free Joomla Templates

There are plenty of resources available online offering Joomla templates for free. The upside is they are free, are downloadable with a click and can be played around with. Some are very good even for commercial websites. The downside is no professional support, no customization, hidden costs if it messes up your website.

Paid Joomla Templates

There are professional design companies who offer custom designed Joomla Templates for a price. This includes installation, professional support and a look and feel matching your needs. That upside is that one can have highly customized templates, be able to tweak them as per requirements and get professional support. The downside is the cost for the template and support.

Qualities to look for in paid Joomla templates

Look & Feel - Does the template meet your needs design wise? The best option is to have a template you can easily tweak as per your requirement.
Functionality - Does the template offer the functionality you are looking for?
Ease of Use - Is it easy to tweak the code to make changes as you wish. The template should provide the flexibility to adjust your final layout.
Code Readability - This is important if you or your programmer wants to go deep and modify the code for a specific requirement.
Customer Support - Does the template provider give you professional support for the template? Highly customized templates can be complex and need customer support.
Cross Browser Compatibility - This is a must if you are using paid professionally designed templates.

It is easy to setup a high quality, professional looking website with Joomla CMS due to the ease with which custom templates can be used.

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