Business & Finance Small Business

How to Jump Start Your Business For 2009

The world is full of optimism after the American election, and everywhere I go there seems to be a feeling of positive change regardless of how people voted.
I listened to NPR on the radio the week after the election and people from all walks of life and in all corners of the world were asked if they felt that just the election of Obama, was already making a big difference.
Some people were a bit more pragmatic and said they would need to see what he will accomplish, but most people felt it didn't matter.
The change had happened on the inner recesses of people's sense ofcollective empowerment.
With this level of optimism floating around, it's clearly an opportunity to jump on board with your business and use this positive feeling to energize your business for 2009.
It's always much easier to accomplish something when you are moving with the stream rather than against it.
Right now the stream is all about belief and hope that things are getting better.
I notice that I am again reading the news part of the newspaper.
For quite awhile I have skipped right to the comics and crossword puzzle.
Now Ienjoy seeing a photo of Obama laying on his couch using his Blackberry.
I want to read all about everything he is doing which is amazing, because for the past four years I have avoided any news having anything to do with the president.
Four years prior I was living in New Zealand where American news is not covered.
The last time I felt this kind of energy was in 1968 when I was a young college student who believed I could change the world!I was a Hillary supporter and it has still affected me this way.
The road from 1968 to 2008 has been a bit rocky and filled with some disillusionment, however I still solidly believe Ihave control of my own life and I can make a big difference.
If you feel like I do, here are 5 easy things you can do to ride with the current and get your business energized for 2009.
If you do all five, you will be totally plugged in and ready to go in January.
Even if you do some of these, it will make a big difference.
Make a list of everything you have accomplished
in your business in 2008.
Most business owners are so busy, that when one thing iscompleted you are right onto the next one.
Take your list and get little gold stars and put one next to each achievement.
This mightseem silly, but it works.
I love gold stars because it means, Yes, I did it! 2.
Put together a record of all the people you met in 2008
who were key relationships for you.
These are people who have helped you, have provided expertise or have skills and connections you want to utilize later.
Acknowledge all these people for what they have done for you or for what you appreciate about them.
Identify the one main thing in your business
you want to change in 2009? How would this one change have a positive effect on your business? What is the main obstacle that needs to be overcome in order to make this change, and what do you need to do to make that happen.
Identify the areas of your business that need more energizing
Most people have at least one area they avoid or feel uncomfortable doing.
This is your weak link.
What do you need to do to bring more focusinto this area and what would support you to do that? 5.
Totally clean your office and get rid of anything
you don't want to take into the next year.
Even if you are a very organized person you will likely have "stuff" that is just collecting dust somewhere.
Begin 2009 with your office clear and ready to move forward.
These five things will help you jump start your business into the new year and begin the year with a clearer and sharper focus.

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