Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Age Old Wisdom From China Makes Hot Rod For Men Unique

Men have stressed and worried about their sexual ability and quality of erections as far back as time goes, at least as far back as when the first woman said "maybe tomorrow night, dear, I'm tired." The frustrated man might be pondering along the lines of 'She never got tired when I was younger, and had more stamina and harder erections."

Naturally, man has tried many remedies to alleviate the problem of diminished erections, premature ejaculation, and lack of stamina through the years. One of the newest 'discoveries' now enjoying popularity in the male community is Hot Rod For Men, and the 'discovery' is actually not new.

A species of ant named Polyrachis Vicinia, a primary ingredient in Hot Rod For Men, has been used since ancient days by Chinese royalty to put a little zing back in the old stinger. The classic Chinese Medical tome "Ben Cao Gang Mu" states that the Emperors of China used the properties of this ant to increase their strength and stamina, boost energy, and several other benefits to the nervous and digestive systems.

It's not surprising that ants could have such beneficial and restorative powers, since it is a fact that ants are proven to be the strongest creatures on earth for their size, able to lift over 400 times their own weight and to pull over 1700 times their own weight. A human weighing 200 pounds would have to bench press over 80,000 pounds to be as strong, or pull something weighing over half a million pounds. Ants also contain over 10 times as much protein as milk, chicken, beef, fish, and other human protein sources. Their nutrient rich body, with significant amounts of B-Vitamins and amino acids that can provide energy to the human body give Hot Rod For Men the added boost that the Chinese have enjoyed for centuries.

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