How to Make a Wreath Using Wood Shavings
- 1). Cover a work surface with a plastic drop cloth. Spread the wood shavings in a single layer across the plastic-covered surface.
- 2). Fill a spray bottle with approximately one part water and eight parts stain, using the desired stain color. Divide the shavings into portions and stain them different colors for a multi-color wreath.
- 3). Mist the wood shavings with a thin, even coat of stain. Allow the stain to dry to the touch. Stir the shavings and mist them again to stain parts that were previously concealed. Continue stirring and misting until the shavings are thoroughly colored. Wait for the last coat to dry.
- 4). Create a large loop at the end of a long length of wire. Secure the loop by tightly twisting the base of the loop. Wrap the wrest of the wire two or three times around the top of a foam or grapevine wreath base, positioning the loop at the back of the wreath. Wind the end of the wire around the loop base to keep it in place.
- 5). Glue the wood shavings to the wreath. To adhere a shaving, apply a generous blob of hot glue to the wreath base and embed one end of the shaving into it. Continue gluing shavings tightly together until the wreath base is covered. Leave the wreath alone for about an hour while the hot glue cures.
- 6). Spray the entire wreath with a light, even coat of polyurethane clear coat, which will seal the wood and protect the stain color. Leave the first coat to dry for a few minutes and apply a second coat. Continue applying coats until all sides of the shavings are sealed. Allow the wreath to sit and dry overnight before hanging or adding additional decorations.