Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Back Exercises to Help and Prevent Back Pain

If you've been experiencing back pain, there are some things you can do to reverse the effects the pain has on your body.
You should always talk to your doctor before you begin any exercise regimen.
If you continue to experience back pain, you should continue any exercise under the supervision of a physical therapist.
They can help you plan an exercise routine that will increase the strength of your back muscles and relieve some of your pain.
Some back exercises are simply stretches that will increase your mobility.
One of the easiest of these kinds of exercises is to lie on your back and slowly bring each knee to your chest.
You'll want to alternate back and forth.
A similar stretch involves lying on your back and lifting your behind up in the air and slowly moving it back to the ground.
Other kinds of stretches will also feel good on your back.
For example, if you get on all fours and do what is typically referred to as the cat pose in yoga, you will stretch your back out.
Arch your back and then bring it back to normal.
If you cannot reach over and touch your toes, you can help stretch your upper back by bending over and holding onto your opposite elbows.
Let your upper body hang and feel the stretch.
One more stretch that feels good for back pain is to cross your legs over one another and twist the opposite way.
Make sure you don't try to crack your own back, because it isn't good for you.
If you want to have your back adjusted by a chiropractor, they will "crack" it in the right places for you and leave your spine feeling loose and you feeling better.
Joining a yoga class is another good way to work out your back, as well as the rest of your body.
The stretches you do in a beginner yoga class will build a lot of strength, and they shouldn't be too hard on any back pain.
There are also back exercises you can do that strengthen your back muscles rather than just stretching them out.
If you have an exercise ball or a pair of dumbbells you might find these exercises helpful to improve your back.
You can do back extensions over the ball, which are like reverse sit ups, and this will really work your back muscles.
You can also do different kinds of flys and work your muscles with dumbbells.
Working your back muscles will make them more pliable and stronger and you'll be less likely to suffer a back injury if your back is strong.
If you have a condition, such as scoliosis, back exercises can halt the progression of your injury and pain.
You should also see a chiropractor or physical therapist if you have a back ailment or injury, and ask them which exercises they think would be best for the type of pain or injury you have.

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