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Grass Basics and Varieties

Grass is the integral part of a natural landscape.
Due to its number of species and easy-to-grow process, entrepreneurs and scientists have developed a way to make more out of the usual uses of this plant.
In the beginning, grass was used for landscaping purposes.
Now, technologies have been created to make grass more useful to humans.
Now, it can be used to make brooms, roofs and many more.
With this success, growing grass has become very popular.
Since growing grass is already an industry, only a few of the varieties have been a big help in our daily living.
Like any other raw materials, grass has many uses that are not easily recognized by many people.
There are three basic uses of grass.
The first use is for food.
Corn, rice, and other starchy foods we have are actually grass.
We consume them every day without knowing that we are eating grass specially cultured for human consumption.
Another example is the sugarcane.
The extract of this type of grass is converted and made into sugar that people use regularly.
In other words, not only farm animals eat grass.
We, people, also do.
Hence, growing grass is an essential part of producing many types of food.
The common use of grass is for lawns and gardens.
With the many variations of grass available, landscapers use the kind that grows depending on the environment, the type of soil, and most especially those that would make landscapes more attractive.
Growing grass of this kind is simple because this type grows instantly.
On top of that, there's grass grown for special purposes in gardening such as the marsh grass which is used to create a tropical effect.
Lastly, the use of grass includes making a wide variety of items such as brooms, decorative items, textile and many more.
As mentioned, growing grass is already an industry since people can make money out of it.
Another reason to plant grass is that it helps the environment.
It prevents soil erosion or, at least, minimizes its effects.
This is how helpful and useful grass is.
It may be simple but it contributes significantly to everyday living.

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