3 Great Preschool "Roof Over Your Head Day" Activities
Roof over your head day is December 3.
This is a great time to expose children to the different types of homes people live in, both here and around the world.
Talk about the homes your children live in, such as single family homes, town homes, apartments and trailers.
Consider including unusual homes such as houseboats, teepees and homes built into the side of mountains.
Read and talk about homes around the world.
Your students will have fun learning with these preschool Roof Over Your Head Day activities.
Shapes Houses Your children will get to design their own houses with this fun craft.
Provide a variety of construction paper in different colors.
Make templates in the following shapes: a large square, a large rectangle, small squares, small rectangles and large triangles.
The larger shapes will be used to make the building and roof of the home.
The smaller shapes will be used to make windows, doors and chimneys.
The children will trace and cut the pieces needed for the home they want to design.
They will glue the shapes together on paper to make a unique home.
Provide a variety of colors for them to choose from.
Once the house is finished, they can use markers or crayons to create scenery around the house such as the sky, trees, sun, flowers or any other scenery they want.
Homes Collage Once the students have read about and seen pictures of a variety of homes, they can make a homes collage.
The children will look for pictures of places people live in a variety of magazines.
Home decor magazines and catalogs are a good source of pictures.
National Geographic magazines are a good source of pictures of homes from around the world.
The kids will cut out pictures of homes and glue them on a large sheet of paper to make a collage.
When they have finished, bring them into a large group.
Let them show their collages to each other.
Talk about the different homes that are shown on the collages.
How are all these homes alike? How are they different? Shoe Box Homes The children will enjoy making their own home from a shoe box.
For this craft, you will need a shoe box for each child.
Ask the parents in advance to bring in a shoe box for the craft.
You will also need: construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons, markers and pipe cleaners.
Any other craft materials you have available can be used to decorate the homes.
The children will make a home from the shoe box.
This can be a small house, apartment, trailer or house boat.
Cover the shoe box with construction paper in the colors the child wants to use.
Features can be added, based on the type of home.
Add details with construction paper or markers.
Make people with pipe cleaners for more fun.
This is a great time to expose children to the different types of homes people live in, both here and around the world.
Talk about the homes your children live in, such as single family homes, town homes, apartments and trailers.
Consider including unusual homes such as houseboats, teepees and homes built into the side of mountains.
Read and talk about homes around the world.
Your students will have fun learning with these preschool Roof Over Your Head Day activities.
Shapes Houses Your children will get to design their own houses with this fun craft.
Provide a variety of construction paper in different colors.
Make templates in the following shapes: a large square, a large rectangle, small squares, small rectangles and large triangles.
The larger shapes will be used to make the building and roof of the home.
The smaller shapes will be used to make windows, doors and chimneys.
The children will trace and cut the pieces needed for the home they want to design.
They will glue the shapes together on paper to make a unique home.
Provide a variety of colors for them to choose from.
Once the house is finished, they can use markers or crayons to create scenery around the house such as the sky, trees, sun, flowers or any other scenery they want.
Homes Collage Once the students have read about and seen pictures of a variety of homes, they can make a homes collage.
The children will look for pictures of places people live in a variety of magazines.
Home decor magazines and catalogs are a good source of pictures.
National Geographic magazines are a good source of pictures of homes from around the world.
The kids will cut out pictures of homes and glue them on a large sheet of paper to make a collage.
When they have finished, bring them into a large group.
Let them show their collages to each other.
Talk about the different homes that are shown on the collages.
How are all these homes alike? How are they different? Shoe Box Homes The children will enjoy making their own home from a shoe box.
For this craft, you will need a shoe box for each child.
Ask the parents in advance to bring in a shoe box for the craft.
You will also need: construction paper, scissors, glue, crayons, markers and pipe cleaners.
Any other craft materials you have available can be used to decorate the homes.
The children will make a home from the shoe box.
This can be a small house, apartment, trailer or house boat.
Cover the shoe box with construction paper in the colors the child wants to use.
Features can be added, based on the type of home.
Add details with construction paper or markers.
Make people with pipe cleaners for more fun.