Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Sharpen a Bead Chisel

    • 1). Install the aluminum oxide wheel on the grinder. The aluminum oxide material is a good general purpose grinding wheel for all types of metals up to and including high speed steel. Select a 60-grit wheel for fine grinding.

    • 2). Adjust the holding bar of the grinder to allow you to work the entire chisel across the wheel.

    • 3). Place the can of water near the wheel to cool the chisel when it gets hot from grinding.

    • 4). Turn on the grinder and begin sharpening the bead chisel by light passes of the front of the tool across the grinder. Orient the chisel so that the angle of the front of the chisel allows it to maintain the undercut angle required for proper cutting. The chisel looks like a thin bar of steel with a groove in the top edge and the front of the strip cut back under the tip that does the cutting.

    • 5). Rest your hand on the bar in front of the grinding wheel. Use your hand resting on the bar to support the chisel as you remove a small amount of metal.

    • 6). Dip the chisel into the can of water to cool it periodically. If the chisel gets too hot it may crack and require replacement. Carbon steel tools will turn blue when they have been overheated and will no longer hold an edge.

    • 7). Lay the bead chisel flat and gently grind the side of the cutting edge. Turn the chisel over and grind the other side in the same way. Take special care to leave the two tips of the bead cutting chisel at the same length when you are done.

    • 8). Inspect the cutting edge of the chisel for sharpness. If you have missed any points along the edge repeat the process on that region of the chisel.

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