5 Ways to Love Yourself During Economic Challenges
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Even for those of us who haven't lost any money in the stock market chaos recently, we are still affected by the surrounding collective fear and sensationalism that's going on.
There's a heightened sense of stress in the air (can you feel it?) that affects us all and it's time to turn up the notch in the self-love department.
As entrepreneurs (including myself) we understand the different stages-ups and downs-of building a start-up and then running with the ball, so to speak.
Read Tim Ferris's article, Harnessing Entrepreneurial Manic-Depression: Making the Rollercoaster Work for You.
' It'll make you laugh, and that's a good start.
Recently, I was asked to write an article with tips on mandatory self-care (that means turn up the notch on loving ourselves) to help calm our nerves and all sorts of other mental health related stuff.
The following 5 tips are mandatory for feeling better in an overstimulated world.
Don't you want to? I do and practice these on a daily basis.
Number 1 Way to Love Yourself Do not watch television right now.
That's mandatory for staying sane and loving yourself.
It's so easy to get sucked into the big tube and there's so much fear being generated, it can't help but affect our stress levels and that translates into worry in all areas of our lives.
That's plain icky and contributes to panic attacks, yelling at our children for no reason, insomnia and other health related issues.
Remember, those people in the tube are getting paid a lot of money to keep you watching.
Just say no and get your news resources from a reputable source on the Internet.
By the way, all of your favorite shows are online, at places like abc.
com and nbc.
Number 2 Way to Love Yourself Get some extra sleep.
Now I know that might sound too simple and how could that possible work, but I'm telling you, go to bed earlier every night (an hour earlier, at least) and you feel will more energized and able to deal with your daily happenings.
Your mind might resist at first since it is struggling to find the answers for your daily challenges like the different ways you can make more money.
Your body, however, gets really tired from all that negative talk and your brain needs rest Get it? At first this might be challenging so just gently tell your mind that you love him/her but that your body needs its rest.
Keep repeating this step and love your mind no matter what it's saying.
Number 3 Way to Love Yourself Another really simple stress reducing technique that many of us do not take advantage of is 'breathing.
' Yes, breathing.
Can you believe it? Commit some time each day (how about on a bathroom break?) to taking five slow and long deep breaths.
That means first relax two key parts of your body, first shoulders, then your jaw.
Slowly take each deep breath and hold for two seconds at the top before you breath out.
This will naturally relax your body.
The more you practice it, the more powerful it will be and the more integrated it will be into your daily routine.
Number 4 Way to Love Yourself Let nature help calm your nerves.
I know it might sound weird to some of you, but being in nature even for a short time really helps to relax our body and calms our nervous system.
You don't have to plan that camping trip to get re-connected to yourself.
Just take thirty minutes (by yourself) two times a week (or more if you can) and find a place with a tree (like in a park or in your backyard) and just sit.
You don't have to do anything, although you might want to bring a towel or blanket to make yourself more comfortable.
You don't have to do anything.
Just breath, look around, maybe lie down, set your timer and when it goes off, get up and leave.
At first, it may seem like it's not helping but it is.
Just keep doing it and you'll see what I mean.
Connecting with the earth is one of the most affective ways to reduce stress and it's free! Number 5 Way to Love Yourself This is the most important way (imho) to love yourself and essential to practicing the above four tips.
Let go of all guilt associated with taking care of yourself.
You deserve it.
We all do, not matter what.
Any medical doctor or holistic practitioner will tell you that loving yourself first is integral in taking care of others.
If you think about it, it makes sense right? You have to be feeling well, rested and calm in order to deal with the craziness of our current lives and stay sane.
If anyone ever throws any guilt your way, simply deflect it and say, "I need to do this in order to live a healthy and balanced life.
" It's not asking much.
Do it and see what I mean.
We are humans after all, not robots and loving ourselves is the best thing we can do in all this craziness, right?
Even for those of us who haven't lost any money in the stock market chaos recently, we are still affected by the surrounding collective fear and sensationalism that's going on.
There's a heightened sense of stress in the air (can you feel it?) that affects us all and it's time to turn up the notch in the self-love department.
As entrepreneurs (including myself) we understand the different stages-ups and downs-of building a start-up and then running with the ball, so to speak.
Read Tim Ferris's article, Harnessing Entrepreneurial Manic-Depression: Making the Rollercoaster Work for You.
' It'll make you laugh, and that's a good start.
Recently, I was asked to write an article with tips on mandatory self-care (that means turn up the notch on loving ourselves) to help calm our nerves and all sorts of other mental health related stuff.
The following 5 tips are mandatory for feeling better in an overstimulated world.
Don't you want to? I do and practice these on a daily basis.
Number 1 Way to Love Yourself Do not watch television right now.
That's mandatory for staying sane and loving yourself.
It's so easy to get sucked into the big tube and there's so much fear being generated, it can't help but affect our stress levels and that translates into worry in all areas of our lives.
That's plain icky and contributes to panic attacks, yelling at our children for no reason, insomnia and other health related issues.
Remember, those people in the tube are getting paid a lot of money to keep you watching.
Just say no and get your news resources from a reputable source on the Internet.
By the way, all of your favorite shows are online, at places like abc.
com and nbc.
Number 2 Way to Love Yourself Get some extra sleep.
Now I know that might sound too simple and how could that possible work, but I'm telling you, go to bed earlier every night (an hour earlier, at least) and you feel will more energized and able to deal with your daily happenings.
Your mind might resist at first since it is struggling to find the answers for your daily challenges like the different ways you can make more money.
Your body, however, gets really tired from all that negative talk and your brain needs rest Get it? At first this might be challenging so just gently tell your mind that you love him/her but that your body needs its rest.
Keep repeating this step and love your mind no matter what it's saying.
Number 3 Way to Love Yourself Another really simple stress reducing technique that many of us do not take advantage of is 'breathing.
' Yes, breathing.
Can you believe it? Commit some time each day (how about on a bathroom break?) to taking five slow and long deep breaths.
That means first relax two key parts of your body, first shoulders, then your jaw.
Slowly take each deep breath and hold for two seconds at the top before you breath out.
This will naturally relax your body.
The more you practice it, the more powerful it will be and the more integrated it will be into your daily routine.
Number 4 Way to Love Yourself Let nature help calm your nerves.
I know it might sound weird to some of you, but being in nature even for a short time really helps to relax our body and calms our nervous system.
You don't have to plan that camping trip to get re-connected to yourself.
Just take thirty minutes (by yourself) two times a week (or more if you can) and find a place with a tree (like in a park or in your backyard) and just sit.
You don't have to do anything, although you might want to bring a towel or blanket to make yourself more comfortable.
You don't have to do anything.
Just breath, look around, maybe lie down, set your timer and when it goes off, get up and leave.
At first, it may seem like it's not helping but it is.
Just keep doing it and you'll see what I mean.
Connecting with the earth is one of the most affective ways to reduce stress and it's free! Number 5 Way to Love Yourself This is the most important way (imho) to love yourself and essential to practicing the above four tips.
Let go of all guilt associated with taking care of yourself.
You deserve it.
We all do, not matter what.
Any medical doctor or holistic practitioner will tell you that loving yourself first is integral in taking care of others.
If you think about it, it makes sense right? You have to be feeling well, rested and calm in order to deal with the craziness of our current lives and stay sane.
If anyone ever throws any guilt your way, simply deflect it and say, "I need to do this in order to live a healthy and balanced life.
" It's not asking much.
Do it and see what I mean.
We are humans after all, not robots and loving ourselves is the best thing we can do in all this craziness, right?