Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Strengthening College Football Learning Suggestions

Angle tackling

Because not every tackle is direct and head on, it is necessary to set up an angle tackling situations during practice. This can be done by having a player run with the ball on a straight line with the defender at any angle. As the defender he will need to adjust his body to cover the shortest distance towards the ball carrier, and make the stop by placing his foot squarely in front, and remembers for safety to put his head in front of the ball carrier. The tackle is completed as the defender wraps his hands tightly around the opponent, straightens his hips and pushes the opponent to the ground or off sides.

Conditioning: The five dot drill

Conditioning drills are effective in training and helping athletes be strong and reactive. The intent of this drill is to increase accuracy, timing, and speed. In order to execute the drill you will need a place with five dots, either marked on the grass or on a mat, forming an x shape much like the dots for the number five side of dice.

This drill begins with the player starting on two of the outer dots and jumps feet together to the middle dot and then out again to the edge dots separating their feet. Next the player will jump touching each dot with on leg only, and then switch using the other leg. The next step is jumping on all five dots with both feet together. The end step is similar to the first jumping jack step except that this time the player will turn 180 degrees after jumping on the two dots. Players will need to increase their speed and accuracy to be effective with this drill.

Running with the Ball: The Gauntlet Drill

Ball security has to be the most important aspect of a strong offensive team. This is especially true for a running back or wide receiver as they will carry the ball more often than others on the field, but it is a good idea for all positions to practice a little ball security. A great drill called the gauntlet practices ball security. The drill starts with a player protecting the ball as best as he can while running through several opponents. Each of the defenders can line up in any way making the ball carrier run any sort of patterns with the ball, the point is to pose a challenge to hold onto the ball. To be effective with this drill have the ball carrier run the drill holding the ball in several different positions.

Some benefits to Weightlifting

No practice regime would be complete without lifting weights. The benefits of lifting weights are found in added strength, but more importantly it will increase your maximum power. Maximum power differs in importance to strength due to the fact that it is exertion during play and not just muscle mass. Strong and powerful execution will enable fast plays, quick action, and recognition on the field. We highly recommend working with a personal trainer when weightlifting to insure that you are doing it properly, and to help you design a program that will fit your position.

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