Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Perleche Treatment - What Are the Options to Treat Perleche?

Various perleche treatment methods are sought of by many people who constantly have this condition and who desire to find a way to treat it effectively.
This condition, also known as cheilitis or angular stomatitis, elicits skin problems such as soreness which is frequently encountered, along with fissures, on the corners of the mouth.
First and foremost, as soon as this disease manifests, one should pay a visit to the doctor.
The usual prescribed medication for it is 1% hydrocortisone topical cream which will also treat the signs of candidiasis or fungal infection caused by the fungal species Candida Albicans.
However, in case this option may not be effective, several other perleche treatment measures can be taken and some of them are indicated here.
For instance, one has to ensure that his or her diet includes foods that are rich in iron, as well as vitamins B1 and B12 as prevention from contracting this disease.
Deficiency of these nutrients has been correlated to the occurrence of perleche.
As for the soreness of the lips, Vaseline may be used but precautions must be taken as irritation may occur.
Be careful however that you do not confuse this for a side effect as this may be a sign of the cream's effectiveness.
Denture wearers should also make sure that their prosthesis is not ill-fitting to prevent bacteria and fungi from causing diseases and infections.
For all-acrylic dentures or those with no metal framework and components, an alternative preventive method is to soak these every night in a solution of household bleach diluted with water while the person is resting.

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