Home & Garden Home Appliances

The Homeowner" s Guide To Panel Heaters

Panel heaters are a relatively new addition to people's homes. Most people are more familiar with electric radiators. It is becoming an increasingly viable option to have one of these heaters in your home, though.

These offer a number of benefits, including ease of installation, their size, and their ability to heat your home in the most efficient way possible. Let's take a look at what these heaters are and where you can commonly find them.

How Do They Heat Your Home? : Another name for them is the radiant panel heater. They gain this name because of how they transfer heat. Infrared waves are used to transfer radiant heat to the air. It heats the air and turns a cold room into a warm room.

Since they heat the air, they work best in rooms where there are a minimal number of openings. If doors and windows are opening and closing all the time, this can curb its efficiency.

What are the Main Benefits of these Heaters? : There are multiple reasons why a homeowner might decide to choose a radiant panel heater over a conventional radiator with electric combi boiler. They are lighter than radiators and smaller. They take up less space. In the case of a radiator, you will have to dedicate a significant portion of wall space to it.

These heaters are literally a small panel. They fit seamlessly into the room. Furthermore, their size makes them easier to be mounted.

One of the main advantages they have over radiators is the direction of the heat. Radiators can only heat in a single direction. Panels have no restrictions on the direction they can send heat. This, obviously, enables them to be more effective at heating a room.

If maintenance isn't your speciality, you will not have to worry about age-related decreases in performance. These heaters do not decline as they age. The only time you'll have to worry about maintenance is when they break completely.

Where are they Used? : You won't just find them in the home. The fact they're so thin makes them highly useful in a range of industries. It's not uncommon to find them in industries like food processing and any industry that involves preparation of materials. They can be found almost anywhere, due to how adept they are at water evaporation and space heating.

In the home, heaters like this tend to come into their own in the bathroom. Bathrooms often cannot support radiators because of their bulk. If you have a small bathroom, this heater could be your only option.

Consider the Weaknesses : Radiant heaters also have a number of weaknesses. For a start, they cannot be in any environment where moisture tends to build up. They are not waterproof. For this reason, they have to be grounded sufficiently or they can become a risk to humans.

Another weakness is how flammable they are. Any area where flammable substances are used should not have one of these heaters in the vicinity.

Apart from these considerations, anyone who installs one of these heaters will be pleased with both their efficiency and durability.

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