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What Are the Meanings of the Statue of Liberty?

    Overall Meaning

    • A gift to the United States from France in the late 19th century, the statue was a gesture of friendship from one country inspired by the ideals of another. Through time, the statue took on a more universal meaning--especially for immigrants from many different countries seeking a better life.

    The Torch

    • The most important symbol of the statue, the torch is held high in the right hand and represents Lady Liberty lighting the way to freedom.

    The Crown

    • There are seven points on the crown, for the seven seas and continents--representing the idea that liberty should be exalted around the globe.

    The Tablet

    • The tablet being cradled in the left hand of the statue represents the American day of independence. Inscribed on the tablet in Roman numerals is the date JULY IV MDCCLXXVI, meaning July 4, 1776.

    The Robe

    • The flowing robe is based on the Roman goddess of liberty, Libertas, who wore a stola, a female version of the toga.

    The Feet

    • Lady Liberty has her right foot lifted to signal moving forward. There are also broken chains at her feet to represent freedom from bondage.

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