Health & Medical Body building

Fast Muscle Gain Strategies For Hardgainers

"Hardgainers" are typically Ectomorphs who have difficulty adding muscle mass.
They have a slim build with narrow shoulders and hips, smaller skeletal frames and high metabolisms.
However, with the proper strategies, hardgainer Ectomorphs can develop a very athletic looking, muscular body.
Hardgainers can't train the same way as "easy gaining" Mesomorphs or Endomorphs.
High volume, split routines used by Mesomorphs and Endomorphs will not work for most hardgainers.
They will overtrain or quickly reach "plateaus" in their training if such routines are used.
A different approach must be taken by adopting the following muscle building strategies: 1.
Focus primarily on training larger muscles -
Hardgainers must concentrate on training large muscle groups, such as - thighs, glutes, spinal erectors, pectorals, deltoids, trapezius, abdominals, and Lats.
To do this, use Compound Exercises such as: barbell squat, deadlift, barbell bench press, chin-ups/pull-ups, barbell shoulder presses, parallel dips, up-right rowing, barbell rowing, power cleans.
Compound Exercises are resistance training movements that involve more than one muscle group and usually more than one joint.
Perform only 4-6 Compound Exercises in a full-body routine for three workouts per week.
Every workout should include the Barbell Squat- the "King of Exercises" and a total body mass builder.
Calf raises, leg curls and abdominal exercises can be added occasionally to insure that muscle imbalances don't occur.
Eliminate or minimize the use of Isolation Exercises such as curls, lateral raises, flyes, triceps kickbacks, etc.
Hardgainers should stick with free weights and minimize the use of weight training machines as much as possible.
Incorporating mostly Compound Exercises into the routines will train the smaller muscle groups such as biceps, triceps, and forearms.
Adopt a "Bulk-up" Food Pla
n - Hardgainers have very high metabolisms and must "force-feed" their bodies to ensure that the proper amounts of muscle building protein and energy sustaining carbohydrates and fats are supplied.
Total calories per day should be increased at a rate of 250-350 per day each week.
This means eating 6-8 meals per day with each meal spaced 2-3 hours apart.
The food plan should include lean proteins, complex and simple carbohydrates, fiber and good fats.
Daily protein requirements should be set at 1.
0 gram of protein for every pound of body weight.
Carbohydrate intake should be at least 3.
0 grams per pound body weight per day.
Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep EVERY night -
Sleeping quarters should be quiet, dark, and cool.
Hardgainers should not exercise and should avoid consuming caffeinated beverages and alcohol 4-6 hours before going to bed.
Eliminate or limit Cardio Training activities -
Hardgainers need all their energy resources to be dedicated to building muscle during their weight training workouts and should not be spending hours doing Cardio.
If these four strategies are employed consistently, then the hardgainer will add appreciable size.
If you're interested in more specific training advice for hardgainers and obtain a FREE REPORT on the Basic Principles of Muscle Building, visit this site.

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