Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Properly Clean Mold & Mildew

    • 1). Prevent mold growth by using a dehumidifier in basements and turning on the fan in bathrooms. When you discover leaks in the plumbing or roof, fix them as quickly as possible to prevent water damage and subsequent mold growth.

    • 2). Identify the cause of a mold or mildew issue. Determine if the air is too moist, leaks are present or if moisture is building up on a window or in the shower.

    • 3). Wipe down moist surfaces immediately. If windows steam up from cooking or the dryer, dry them off with a clean cloth immediately. Use a squeegee in your shower or a dry cloth to prevent moisture from accumulating in the cracks.

    • 4). Spray mold or mildew buildup with straight white vinegar or household bleach. Let the vinegar or bleach sit on the mildew spot for about 15 minutes. Scrub down the spot and rinse with hot water. Reapply the vinegar or bleach if any of the mold or mildew remains.

    • 5). Dry thoroughly with clean, dry paper towels.

    • 6). Absorbent items like carpets and rugs that have been affected by mold or mildew may have to be replaced.

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