Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Stop Smoking with Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser devices were developed to treat all forms of sports injuries, pain control and provide improved wound healing.
Within the past 20 years low level lasers have also been successfully used to help with smoking cessation in Europe and Canada and in the past 10 years within the United States.
Like acupuncture without the needles, the laser is used to stimulate the meridian and auricular points to remove the physical desire for nicotine.
In addition, the laser is used on points to help with withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, stress and food cravings.
The laser light reaches through the skin to stimulate nerve endings to produce endorphins.
Endorphins are produced normally and are nature's own mood lifter and anesthetic.
The endorphin production relives the physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking and helps with the feelings of being anxious.
Laser therapy is highly effective and a non-invasive form of treatment.
The patient feels no pain, because of the low power nature of the low level laser.
The effects are biochemical and not thermal therefore, cannot cause heating which damages tissue.
One major advantage to laser therapy for smoking cessation is the fact that no drugs are used.
With the help of the laser, a person’s body produces what is necessary to help with the quitting process.
Most laser treatments are successful within one to two 30-minute sessions.
The laser will help eliminate the physical desire for nicotine, but will not help with the nicotine habit.
Education is typically provided by certified laser technicians to explain the difference between the habit and the addiction and give tips to help with changes for the habit.
Currently laser therapy for smoking cessation is not covered by traditional medical insurance; however they are eligible for submission under smoking cessation within the IRS flexible spending account guidelines.
There are some health conditions that could prevent someone from qualifying for laser therapy.
Some examples of exclusions would be pregnancy, pace maker, implanted defibrillator, active cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, or anyone receiving medical treatment currently for cancer.
Laser therapy can be used for any type of nicotine addiction including cigarettes, cigars or dipping.
For more information go to [http://www.

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