How to Remove Hair Dye Stains From a Shower
- 1). Measure out 1 cup of bleach. Pour the bleach into a plastic bowl carefully to make sure the bleach doesn't splash out onto any other surfaces.
- 2). Measure out 1 cup of cold water. Make sure the water isn't hot, because hot water causes the pores on your hands to open, which can allow the bleach to seep into your skin when you mix in the water. Pour the cold water into the bowl with the bleach, and mix.
- 3). Open the bathroom door and any windows to allow the room to vent. It's very dangerous to leave the room unventilated because of the fumes from the bleach.
- 4). Dip a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser into the bleach and water solution. Allow the solution to seep all of the way through the Magic Eraser.
- 5). Scrub the hair dye stain using the Magic Eraser. Continue scrubbing until you remove all of the stains from the base and sides of the shower.
- 6). Turn on the shower, and close the shower door or curtain. Allow the water to run for one minute to rinse out all of the bleach residue.