Who goes speed dating? the most common question answered…
After hosting speed dating events for over 8 years, there always seems to be one question we get asked when people are considering attending an event for the first time. This question is not discriminatory, it is asked by both men and women of all ages.
What kind of people go speed dating?
This question is kind of like asking what kind of people go to the grocery store. There isn't one kind of person who speed dates, single people come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and occupations. As well, no two events are the same when it comes to who will be attending. I guess you could look at it this way, if you are calling in because you are interested in speed dating, then you could assume that most people who come speed dating are just like you.
Now we could get more specific such as…what do people wear who come speed dating or do you know the general occupations of those who comes speed dating?
These are all valid questions we could potentially answer depending on what we ask people when they sign up, but do they determine what "kind" of person they are….probably not.
It's difficult for any speed dating host or organizer to know "what kind of person" someone is in the 5 minute time span of registering them either on the phone or at the door, most events are so busy that the host is lucky to get in a 2 minute conversation with an individual before or after an event. If we were to judge someone's personality based on their appearance, then we could probably give you some sort of answer. However, judging someone based on their appearance is not really the best approach to take in any business especially when it comes to dating.
To sum it up, the kind of people who come speed dating are just like you. They're single, prefer to meet people face to face, have some sort of baggage, are employed (because our tickets cost money), are nervous, optimistic and finally, just like you, they want to know "what kind of people go speed dating".
What kind of people go speed dating?
This question is kind of like asking what kind of people go to the grocery store. There isn't one kind of person who speed dates, single people come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and occupations. As well, no two events are the same when it comes to who will be attending. I guess you could look at it this way, if you are calling in because you are interested in speed dating, then you could assume that most people who come speed dating are just like you.
Now we could get more specific such as…what do people wear who come speed dating or do you know the general occupations of those who comes speed dating?
These are all valid questions we could potentially answer depending on what we ask people when they sign up, but do they determine what "kind" of person they are….probably not.
It's difficult for any speed dating host or organizer to know "what kind of person" someone is in the 5 minute time span of registering them either on the phone or at the door, most events are so busy that the host is lucky to get in a 2 minute conversation with an individual before or after an event. If we were to judge someone's personality based on their appearance, then we could probably give you some sort of answer. However, judging someone based on their appearance is not really the best approach to take in any business especially when it comes to dating.
To sum it up, the kind of people who come speed dating are just like you. They're single, prefer to meet people face to face, have some sort of baggage, are employed (because our tickets cost money), are nervous, optimistic and finally, just like you, they want to know "what kind of people go speed dating".