Business & Finance Social Media

How to Market on Twitter by Tweeting Great Content - Don"t Run the Risk of Being Un-Followed

Twitter has become a major force in the social media landscape.
And it has become a powerful resource for marketers.
But there is a paradox with marketers using Twitter.
Social media is about socializing and connecting with others who share your interests.
Yet marketers have found that social media sites like Twitter are a great resource to connect with their target audience.
So how does a marketer socialize and market on Twitter? How Do You Market On Twitter? It all comes down to marketing strategy.
Marketers have to remember that socializing comes first when it comes to Twitter (and other social media sites).
If all the marketer does is tweet marketing messages, their followers will feel like they're getting spammed.
And the first thing someone will do if they feel like they're getting spammed is un-follow you.
Good bye target market.
A marketer has to share, i.
, tweet, great content with their followers.
Your tweets should be 80% content, such as sharing useful information and experiences, and starting conversations with people.
The other 20% of your tweets can be marketing related.
Sharing content your followers find interesting and useful will establish you as someone who can be trusted, and build your credibility, and authority.
Where Do You Find Stuff To Tweet? One place is StuffToTweet.
This website lists popular and interesting articles, videos, how-to's, and recipes.
You can also tweet:
  • News from online newspapers
  • Articles from article directories such as EzineArticles.
    com and GoArticles.
  • How To's from how-to websites such as HowToDoThings.
    com, EHow.
    com, and WikiHow.
  • Content from social bookmarking sites like Digg.
    com and StumbleUpon.
  • Commentary from blogs
  • Quotes, inspirational sayings, and quips
Do a Google search for these different types of media and you'll find plenty of options.
You can also find content by using Google Alerts.
Tell Google what topics you are interested in and Google will send you an email with a list of content for that topic.
How Much Should You Tweet Each Day? You should tweet throughout the day, keeping the 80/20 rule in mind.
But let's get real.
Who wants to be tied to Twitter all day? Granted there are some people who love to be on Twitter all day, but most people are too busy and staying on Twitter all day is impractical.
So what should you do? Use a service such as SocialOomph.
com, which use to be called TweetLater.
SocialOomph allows you to schedule your tweets throughout the day, week, or month.
It's easy to do.
Just write your tweet and schedule the time and date you want your tweet to go out.
The service is free.
Conclusion Effectively marketing on Twitter is about tweeting great content.
With the right mix of socializing and marketing, you can successfully market on Twitter.
Happy Business Building, Yoli

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