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How to Play Offense as a Rogue in Warsong Gulch in World of Warcraft

    • 1). Enter stealth mode. If your opponents cannot see you, you can penetrate their base without any trouble.

    • 2). Chose an entry route. There are three main ways into the enemy's base. The first and most advisable is the tunnel. Second most preferable is the side door. The third is the roof. The roof is not advisable, because it takes a long time to get to and cannot always guarantee proper entry.

    • 3). Sap any guards that the other team may have left. This is quite important, because incapacitated guards will not put up a struggle when you try to take the flag.

    • 4). Snatch the flag by right-clicking on it.

    • 5). Run. You can do this effectively by using your sprint ability or the power-up in the tunnel. Subtlety rogues can sprint for twice as long with preparation.

    • 6). Return the flag. This can only be accomplished if the enemy has not taken your flag.

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