Health & Medical Medicine

The Relentless Effexor Side Effects. A Drug Once Thought To Have Miraculous Healing Powers Becomes P

At a time when  medical researchers thought they had discovered the miracle cure for depression in the form of Effexor -commonly known by its brand name, Venlafaxine- patients started complaining of horrendous side effects. This untimely anticlimax sent shivers down the spines of patients who were on this prescribed medication, as they ran for cover, scared of the potential dangers they had unknowingly exposed themselves to. No one really anticipated Effexor side effects, for when one is held up in the belly of depression and in desperate need of an antidepressant, the one dominant thought is to return to normal life and start living again. Effexor, however, had once proven to be efficient when it came to treating general anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder (MDD), diabetic neuropathy, menopausal hot flashes, and numerous other conditions.
Major Side Effects Of Effexor

1. Sexual dysfunction

One common negative effect amongst people who have used this drug is sexual dysfunction, or the inability to perform sexually like the average person. Problems relating to sexual dysfunction are not colour-coded- both females and males can display different symptoms of sexual incompetency. Common side effects may include: lack of sexual interest, problems with getting aroused, anorgasmia (difficulty with reaching orgasm), premature ejaculation and many other problems associated with abnormal sexuality. A lot of pharmacists and doctors will suggest that you drop the drug in fear of the worst. Unfortunately, sexual problems can persist long after you have stopped using Effexor, perhaps for as long as 2-3 years- of course the duration of time depending on how long and how often you have been on Effexor medication.

2. Suicide

It is quite rare to hear of suicide being mentioned as a possible negative effect of taking Effexor, or any other drug for that matter. Well, irregardless of the rarity, people taking this kind of drug were reported to be more suicidal than the average person. However, a clear distinction is drawn between cases of completed and attempted suicide, this being as a result of the fact that there have been more cases of attempted suicide linked to Effexor than those of completed suicide. Anyway, most of the statistical data collected originated from clinical trials, which means that trial patients were immediately weaned off the drug just in case someone actually killed him/herself.


Apart from the aforementioned negative effects, a few isolated side effects have appeared quite frequently amongst patients, like: nausea, dizziness, constipation, nervousness, excessive sweating, anorexia, impotence, anxiety, blurred vision, tremors, cold chills, memory loss, and abnormal yawning.

In response to these side effects, pharmacists have been urged to stop selling this drug off the counter, and you must refrain from buying it off the counter even if the opportunity presents itself. Rather, make sure that you consult with a psychotherapist, or a medical professional, this aimed at ensuring that you take normal dosages, and to make sure that the medication does not cause any obvious allergic reactions. Otherwise,8 Effexor side effects are unavoidable; but there is nothing one can do if he/she is suffering from depression or any other condition that warrants taking the drug.

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