Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

8 Hairstyle Tips and Tricks for Thicker Hair

1. Layered Hair:

To get more movement and natural bounce, layering long hair is an easy trick. This hair style technique works well on long, medium or short hair. In addition, layers can work great on both straight and curly hair.

2. Partial Updo:

If you want to get the elegant look of an updo but have heavy hair that won't typically stay in an updo position, a partial updo is a great option. You can enjoy the sophistication updos give, without getting a headache from your heavy hair being piled on top of your head!

3. Adding Bangs:

For thick haired beauties who need to lighten the weight of their hair in a natural way, bangs can really do wonders. You can add bangs to help lighten up thick hair, trimming away the hair around the face to create a more defined face shape. If you have a very delicate face shape, this is also a way to wear thick hair without looking overwhelmed by it.

4. Taper The Tips:

If you want to create a more delicate look to your hair, making it appear a little fine at the ends, tapering can help you get this look. By adding delicate fringe tapers at the bottom, you will get more texture and character to your hair.

5. Wear Those Waves:

Whether your hair is naturally wavy or you like to add waves to it with your favorite wavy hair Loreal or Herbal Essence product or hair styling tools, waves can create movement in thick hair. The beauty in adding waves to thick hair is they can add movement, without increasing volume dramatically. This allows for more bounce, without adding weight or size.

6. Cut It Short:

If you can do without length, think about getting a short shag cut. This can help you if your thick hair causes you headaches or you just want to stay cool and fashion forward in the summer heat! A short shag is extremely easy to care for and easy to maintain color for, if you regularly color your hair.

7. Braids Are In:

To help you tame your thick tresses, think about styling your hair into a soft braid. This can help keep your hair out of your face and can look sleek and elegant for day or evening events.

8. Try The Ponytail:

If you want to go flirty and fun with your thick hair, tie it back into a high ponytail. This can help thick hair look less abundant in volume and can give you ultimate control. Just be sure you choose strong hair bands to hold your ponytail, as some won't properly hold thick hair and will allow your hair to fall quickly.


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