Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Characteristics of a Calico

    Calicos defined

    • Calicos are true tri-colored cats. They have three distinct colors; one from the red gene, a dark color such as black, blue or chocolate, and white. These colors must occur in patches on the body and not be blended together. Those with blended colors fall into the tortoise shell category. If your cat has three colors, but one of them is not from the red gene, then it is not a true tri-color.


    • There is no hard evidence to prove that calicos have any specific temperament, but anecdotal stories from veterinarians, owners, breeders and cattery workers agree that calicos seem to have a unique personality. They are playful, sassy, humorous, quick-witted and amusing. They can be independent and aloof, but sweet and cuddly when they feel like it. They are adept at amusing themselves and have no hesitation expressing themselves -- particularly if there is something they want.


    • Calicos are typically female. In fact, only about one in every 3,000 calicos is male, and of those, only about one in 10,000 is fertile. This is due to genetics. The gene that is responsible for the red coloration required for a true tri-colored cat is only carried on the X chromosome. Unlike many other colors, to have the proper color, you must have one dominant and one recessive color chromosome. Since these are only carried on the X chromosome, you must have two X chromosomes (female) for the correct color pattern.


    • From Egyptian gods to Japanese emperors, cats have been the subject of myths and folklore around the world. Whether they are black, white or mixed, there is no shortage of tales of the quick-witted feline. Calicos are said to bring good luck and wealth to the home. Japanese folklore says that a calico tomcat will bring fair weather for sailors.

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