Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Produt Review: REVO 16 Channel Video Security System

I chose the Revo 16 Channel Video Security System with DVR, LED Monitor and 8 Night Vision Security Cameras (Four bullet and four dome cameras). I also upgraded the standard 1TB of hard drive to 3TB, it did cost a few hundred bucks extra but I decided that for convenience's sake, it was worth the money. I also purchased additional lengths of the RJ-12 cables as I felt that the 60' might not be enough to place a security camera out by the pool like I wanted.

The box contained the 8 cameras, 16 channel DVR, LED monitor and the brackets and cables to set it up. I did actually take my time setting it up but I had all of the brackets in place and the cables ready to put up in just a few hours.  I will admit that I hired a company to install the cables out of sight. I'm not very handy and wasn't about to mess with the interior on my new home.

The Break In

Roughly 5 and a half months after I had my Revo installed, I was at a restaurant with my girlfriend when I randomly checked on my home. I don't know why I did it because I was having a good time, but I'm glad I did.

The cameras showed two men moving around in my home, obviously having broken in. I called the police immediately and drove to the residence where it appeared that the men were still inside of my house. The police arrived and I gave them the keys and they promptly made an arrest.

While some of my stuff was in the van, I was able to easily put it back where it belonged with no real loss. Best of all, I later checked the surveillance tapes where the van had pulled into my driveway, and I was actually able to see the license plate number.

Even had I not checked and spotted the intruders, I could have given the police a license plate number to find the criminals by.

All in all, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase. The Revo does its job, produces high quality and visible video footage and I really couldn't ask for more. While surfing the screens through internet connection can be a little slow, it will easily show you anything you need to know, just like it did during my break in.

Another thing to consider is that if you have a larger home, you might want more cameras. I have 8 and they cover the garage, the pool in the back yard, the living room and a few windows. I know some people have a few more windows, or might want to place more cameras outside, so consider the amount of coverage you need before purchase.

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