Health & Medical Diabetes

Turmeric For Diabetes - Diagnosis, Control and Prevention

Diabetes is quite common in today's society where it's estimated that over 60% of adults are, at minimum, overweight.
Diabetes quite serious and the worse case scenario, although quite rare, is death.
There are many more short and long term common complications with diabetes, short term complications include excessive thirst, dehydration and drowsiness whilst long term ones include atheroma, kidney damage, eye problems, nerve damage, foot problems, impotence and many other rarer problems.
There are 2 types of diabetes, type 1 is where the body completely stops producing insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose in the blood and type 2 which is more common, this is where the body still produces insulin however not enough to regulate the body properly.
The first line of defense against diabetes is a change of diet, weight control and physical exercise.
If the blood glucose level still doesn't reduce then a glucose reducing tablet is usually prescribed and occasionally insulin injections are administered.
Diabetes mainly occurs in people over 40 however it can affect anyone at any age.
Diagnosis is done by a simple dipstick test in a sample of urine.
If there's glucose in your urine then it's very likely to be diabetes as normally you won't find any trace of it in your pee..
Recent studies have shown that using turmeric for diabetes has had some positive results in helping prevent its onset.
As the old saying goes prevention is better than the cure.
The 2nd line of treatment is to keep the blood pressure down, in some cases drugs are prescribed to help with this.
If you're a smoker then now would be an excellent time to stop as smokers are at a higher risk than non smokers.
The 3rd line of treatment is regular health checks.
Catching it early is essential in keeping it under control.
If caught early enough steps can be taken to prevent it progressing from type 2 to the more dangerous type 1.
Some of the check ups that should be taken are, eye and foot checks as well as regular blood and urine tests.
So diabetes can be fatal in rare cases but more commonly it can also cause eye and foot problems as well as kidney and nerve damage over the long term.
Short term common problems are dehydration, excessive thirst and drowsiness.
Diet, weight loss and physical exercise are the best way to help prevent diabetes.
Studies have shown you can use turmeric for diabetes in your diet or as a supplement.
In the main it affects people over 40 and is easily diagnosed.
Keeping your blood pressure down and stopping smoking can also help prevent it.
Regular health checks should be undertaken to catch it early if it does occur.
If you'd like to know how you can easily add turmeric into your diet along with other nutrients to help prevent and control diabetes visit my website now.

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