Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Make a Sheath for a Throwing Knife

    • 1). Buy an amount of leather that is large enough to wrap completely around the knife. It is best to purchase more than you need in case you make a mistake. Lay the throwing knife onto the leather.

    • 2). Trace an outline of the knife onto the leather, making sure you leave around 1/2 inch extra in the outline. This is to provide extra room for sewing or gluing the leather sides together. Holding the knife in place, roll it over on the other side one time to trace the edges around that leather. This makes the opposite side of the throwing knife pouch.

    • 3). Use scissors to cut out this outline. Cut out an additional 2-inch strip of fabric that you will attach as the top closure to secure the throwing knife into the sheath.

    • 4). Fold the leather in half between the two sides to create the shape of a throwing knife sheath once you have cut it out from the length of leather. If the leather resists too much, use the scissors to create gouges down the fold to make it fold easier.

    • 5). Hold the folds together to keep the sheath in shape, and use the leather glue to securely shut the open edges, except for the top of the sheath. If desired, you can sew it shut, which may keep the knife more secure. Use strong thread and short stitch work for this process.

    • 6). Sew or glue the additional thin leather strip onto the top of the throwing knife sheath. Attach it shut using the small Velcro or button attachments to have a secure top over the knife.

    • 7). Trim any threads or excess leather of the edges or folds of the sheath. The advantage to a leather throwing knife sheath is that you can personalize it by carving into the material with a gouging tool or detailing knives. Add your name, initials or a design. Add the throwing knife to the sheath, and make sure it fits securely.

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