Health & Medical Body building

A Bonus Ab Workout For Extra Powerful Abdominal Strengthening

Many people have an abdominals workout that they stick with and implement into their schedule, but what many people don't have, is that little extra work out to stretch your abdominals, and give you that extra maximizing of your six pack abs.
So if you're looking for a little extra work out to push your abdominals to the limit, you've found the best little extra abdominals work out.
Exercise # 1-Hard Crunch Combo With A Bike Kick: The Hard Crunch Combo is one of those exercises you want to be doing if you want a flatter, stronger midsection.
This move will tighten and tone ALL of your abdominal muscles, which is what you want when you're looking to develop the notorious six pack.
Not only will this exercise develop you a stronger, flatter midsection, but it develops you a stronger, pain free lower back.
When combined with other strength-endurance and aerobic exercise, this routine will produce real results.
Directions for this move: 1.
Lie on your back on a mat or padded carpet.
Slightly bend your knees partially with your feet flat on the floor.
Fold your arms across your chest and make sure your feet aren't too close to your buttocks.
Press your lower back into the floor and begin to raise your head.
As you do this, exhale slowly.
Start to curl your hips toward your ribs while keeping your shoulders and chest off the floor.
As you feel your abdominal muscles contract and tighten, pause for about one or two seconds.
Inhale and slowly curl back down, and be sure your head and shoulders rest on the floor so you maintain some tension in the core during the exercise.
Tighten and contract the abs every rep and repeat until you feel fatigue in your muscles.
Do about 15 to 20 reps or 2-3 sets.
Exercise #2- Planks This is one of the easier ab work outs that will give you that rest feeling in your abdominals, while strengthening your core with very little effort.
Directions: 1.
Start with your face towards your exercise mat.
With your elbows and fists below your chest, put all your weight onto your forearms, fists and elbows.
Now straighten your back so its completely flat.
With your straight back, maintain a bridge between your elbows and your toes.
Keep your hips as high as you can and don't let hips to sag below you.
Keep this posture as long you can, maintaining a straight back and strong high hips (keep hips from sagging).
starting from 10 seconds.
Third Exercise- Bicycle Kick Some things to remember throughout this work out is to be sure to breathe naturally and not hold your breath at any time during this exercise.
Directions: 1.
Lie on your back on a mat or padded carpet and bend your knees bent slightly with your feet flat on the floor.
Press your lower back into the floor and tighten your abdominal muscles.
Put both of your hands behind your head.
Bring the right elbow over to the left knee, and then bring the left elbow over to the right knee in a twisting, bicycle-pedal motion.
Continue to breathe naturally as you picture yourself pedaling a bicycle.
Alternate opposite elbow to opposite knee with your hands behind your head.
Continue this process in a slow and controlled manner until you reach between 14 and 20 reps.
Do about 1-3 sets.
Final Exercise- Planks This is one of the easier ab work outs that will give you that rest feeling in your abdominals, while strengthening your core with very little effort.
Though this exercise does require you to have some patience, the results will prove to be rewarding.
The reason for your patience is because there is very little activity in this workout, but this little work out will produce extreme results.
This is a good practice to burn body fat around your back, abdominal muscles and core.
Directions: 1.
Start with your face towards your exercise mat.
With your elbows and fists below your chest, put all your weight onto your forearms, fists and elbows.
Now straighten your back so its completely flat.
With your straight back, maintain a bridge between your elbows and your toes.
Keep your hips as high as you can and don't let hips to sag below you.
Keep this posture as long you can, maintaining a straight back and strong high hips (keep hips from sagging).
starting from 10 seconds.
This extra ab work out is designed to add a little extra strengthening and core building to your six pack area along with whatever work out you do for abdominals already, and also give your six pack abs a good stretch.
While abdominal exercises won't reduce your waistline; you can still tone and tighten your midsection, and add to the appearance of flat belly with these three mini ab work outs.

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