Barbell Military Press for Upper Body Strength
Updated September 06, 2013.
Performed correctly, the basic barbell military press is an exceptional upper body, trunk and cores strengthening exercise. This movement is unique in its ability to develop the strength, balance and core stabilization of the entire body. During the exercise the body is kept tall and straight throughout the movement.
The lift affects the upper pectoralis, the shoulders, the upper arms and the upper back.
The upper pectoralis and upper back help to stabilize the scapula as the movement is performed. The shoulders, prominently the deltoids, are directly affected by this move, as are the triceps.
Before beginning warm up the shoulders with some arm rotations to the front, sides and rear. After finishing, do a few shoulder specific static stretches. Then cool down.
How to Perform the Military Press
Indications of an Incorrect Lift
Spotters are recommended as you perform this exercise movement.
Danny M. O'Dell, M.A. CSCS*D, co-owner of Explosively Fit, Nine Mile Falls, WA.
Performed correctly, the basic barbell military press is an exceptional upper body, trunk and cores strengthening exercise. This movement is unique in its ability to develop the strength, balance and core stabilization of the entire body. During the exercise the body is kept tall and straight throughout the movement.
The lift affects the upper pectoralis, the shoulders, the upper arms and the upper back.
The upper pectoralis and upper back help to stabilize the scapula as the movement is performed. The shoulders, prominently the deltoids, are directly affected by this move, as are the triceps.
Before beginning warm up the shoulders with some arm rotations to the front, sides and rear. After finishing, do a few shoulder specific static stretches. Then cool down.
How to Perform the Military Press
- Prior to the lift, you must tighten the core.
- Practice abdominal bracing during the entire range of motion
- Position your feet approximately shoulder width apart and even with one another, i.e. neither one in front of in back of the other.
- Stand tall with the bar gripped in a closed overhand (pronated) manner and slightly wider than shoulder width
- Keep the wrists rigid, positioned directly under the bar and over the elbows at all times. Do not allow your wrists to hyperextend backward as this may cause an injury.
- Take a breath as you begin to extend your arms straight up over your head and slightly to the middle of the top of your head. Moving it a bit to the rear helps prevent excessive back sway during the lift and balances out the move by keeping the body in direct alignment as the bar is pushed upward.
- Extend the neck a little to allow passage of the bar past the face by tipping your head backward a small amount
- Your arms will be fully extended at the top of the movement.
- The bar will now be straight over your head and NOT out in front of your body.
- Pause briefly at the top, maintain control of the weight, then lower it back down to near the clavicle before starting it back up again for a count of one repetition.
Indications of an Incorrect Lift
- Lack of full extension in the arms
- Uneven extension
- Bouncing at the bottom
- Leg drive to get the weight overhead and into a locked out position
- Leaning backward (Hyperextending the spinal column) as the bar is moved upward
- Failure to lower the weight to the clavicle region prior to the next lift attempt
Spotters are recommended as you perform this exercise movement.
Danny M. O'Dell, M.A. CSCS*D, co-owner of Explosively Fit, Nine Mile Falls, WA.