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How to Carve Seat Foam

    • 1). Select the foam block or pad you want to carve carefully. Look for foam that has some softness but does not feel flimsy. Memory foam can be most comfortable but will adjust the appearance of your upholstery after someone has been sitting on it and can look somewhat sloppy. Firm foam will have an extended life yet rarely is comfortable to sit on for longer than 30 minutes. Choose foam that you feel most comfortable sitting on; test the foam before buying it.

    • 2). Place the original foam pad onto your foam block with the top side of the original foam pad facing downward. Holding the foam pad securely, trace around the foam pad angling the permanent marker slightly outward such that you leave your outline about 1/8 inch outside of the original foam pad form. Set the original foam pad aside.

    • 3). Carve the foam block using your electrical knife. Slice the foam just inside the marker line such that there are no markings on the foam that can be seen through your upholstery. Take care to carve with a steady, firm hand so that your edges will be clean and straight. Don't stop the knife at any time, as this will surely a ridge in the edge of the foam.

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