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Halo Reach Sniping Tips - Performance, Mindset, Location and Attitude

Halo Reach is a breeding ground for budding amateur snipers.
The maps are accessible, fast-paced, and diverse, providing many challenges and obstacles for snipers to surmount and overcome.
The unique characteristic of sniping on Halo Reach is the huge disparity between the mediocre and the skilled, causing there to always be room for improvement.
Many factors affect the sniper's ability to take down the opponent, most of which go unnoticed by the amateur.
A common occurrence at the beginning of the match is the rush for the sniper, and then hurried sniper shots that rarely find their mark.
Initially, it is important for the effective sniper to find cover and reach ideal altitude, typically far below or far above the normal eye level.
This should be done thoughtfully, with regard to locations that a spotted sniper may retreat into for safety and those that provide the greatest amount of map visibility and flexibility.
A stagnant sniper is a dead sniper, and location should constantly change throughout the duration of the match.
Another important sniping tip to bear in mind is the reservation (or lack thereof) of sniper rifle ammunition.
Common among the novice, the reservation of sniper shots is unwise and (logically) reduces the chances of scoring kills.
Power weapons are advantaged kill-shot tools that should be used inexhaustibly.
If you think you have the shot, take it.
Halo Reach is arena-oriented in its game style.
If you die with a sniper rifle that still holds ammo (which, let's face it, is none too unlikely), you have just handed an easy kill-scoring weapon to the enemy.
Fire your sniper rifle.

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