Family & Relationships Conflict

Stopping Divorce - How to Get Back Together With Your Partner

If you're struggling in your relationship with your significant other, but are looking for information on stopping divorce, take a few deep breaths and read on.
Have you been begging your loved one to take you back or promising tearfully that you'll change? I'm sorry to say that this attempt is going about it in entirely the wrong way.
You must let your partner know that you love them and are committed to this relationship, but never sound desperate.
A relationship is truly a partnership, and you can't be the only one changing or putting forth any effort.
You need to have a calm conversation with your loved one, wherein you can say everything that you need to say, without interruption, and they can respond with the same civility.
So often in arguments each side stops listening to the other side.
You may think you know the reasons why your partner is so unhappy with you that you're looking for ways to stop a divorce, but you would be shocked at what you'll learn if you listen with an open mind.
Never put the blame solely on your partner's shoulders.
If you'd rather play the blame game instead of working together to reconcile your marriage, you might as well contact a divorce attorney immediately.
Love is about trust, yes, but it is also about forgiveness.
Get ready to gently point out what you think your partner could be doing better, but then immediately follow that up with a suggestion for your own improvement.
If you look at this situation in the right way, this can be a challenge to you and your partner to reach levels of depth in your relationship you've never experienced before, to work together to make your relationship rock-solid and lasting.
Even if your partner is filing the divorce papers today, write a heartfelt, genuine email that explains exactly what you are committed to doing to making your relationship work.
Articulate exactly what you and your partner will do to reconcile things, and make sure to express how devoted you are to them, while being sure never to sound desperate, childish, or slavish.

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