Tasty Organic Breakfast Bruschetta
Try this organic breakfast recipe to make a tasty meal using warm tomato and melted cheese to spice it up.
Tomatoes being a fruit provide you with a lot of vitamin C and vitamin A.
The vitamin A comes from the Beta carotene, which is actually an antioxidant.
Tomatoes also contain another antioxidant, lycopene, which is primarily found in tomatoes.
The organic varieties retain the highest concentrations.
Lycopene neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage cells and instigate cancer.
Lycopene is also the most abundant carotenoid found in human blood and tissue.
Free radicals are highly reactive oxidation byproducts created by environmental factors such as pollution.
But who cares!Tomatoes just taste so darn good, especially in this organic breakfast recipe.
And when they are smothered by mayo and cheese, it's a marriage made in heaven! The ingredients Of Our Tasty Organic breakfast recipe: 2 thick slices organic or local sourdough bread (Italian ciabatta is also wonderful)About 2 tablespoons organic soy mayonnaise (enough to lavishly coat each slice of bread)1 organic tomatoSeveral slices light-colored organic or local cheese, or cheese alternative (raclette, swiss, mozzarella, provolone or gouda) Turn on the broiler and grab a cookie sheet.
Place slabs of bread on the cookie sheet.
Slather mayo onto the slabs of bread.
Slice the entire tomato into thin slices, and arrange them all on the bread.
Cover the tomato slices with as many slices of cheese at it takes.
Place the concoction under the broiler and do not stray!You will need to check it frequently to prevent over-blackening of your organic breakfast.
Broil it to blistered, gurgling perfection.
Remove the cookie sheet from under the broiler, pour a glass of organic tomato or vegetable juice, and transfer your slabs of creamy, tomatoey, cheesy perfection to a plate.
Be careful because they will be hot.
Serves one.
Guard your food fiercely when others approach you for a bite.
We hope you like this organic breakfast recipe and are encouraged to try more organic food for its superior taste.
Tomatoes being a fruit provide you with a lot of vitamin C and vitamin A.
The vitamin A comes from the Beta carotene, which is actually an antioxidant.
Tomatoes also contain another antioxidant, lycopene, which is primarily found in tomatoes.
The organic varieties retain the highest concentrations.
Lycopene neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage cells and instigate cancer.
Lycopene is also the most abundant carotenoid found in human blood and tissue.
Free radicals are highly reactive oxidation byproducts created by environmental factors such as pollution.
But who cares!Tomatoes just taste so darn good, especially in this organic breakfast recipe.
And when they are smothered by mayo and cheese, it's a marriage made in heaven! The ingredients Of Our Tasty Organic breakfast recipe: 2 thick slices organic or local sourdough bread (Italian ciabatta is also wonderful)About 2 tablespoons organic soy mayonnaise (enough to lavishly coat each slice of bread)1 organic tomatoSeveral slices light-colored organic or local cheese, or cheese alternative (raclette, swiss, mozzarella, provolone or gouda) Turn on the broiler and grab a cookie sheet.
Place slabs of bread on the cookie sheet.
Slather mayo onto the slabs of bread.
Slice the entire tomato into thin slices, and arrange them all on the bread.
Cover the tomato slices with as many slices of cheese at it takes.
Place the concoction under the broiler and do not stray!You will need to check it frequently to prevent over-blackening of your organic breakfast.
Broil it to blistered, gurgling perfection.
Remove the cookie sheet from under the broiler, pour a glass of organic tomato or vegetable juice, and transfer your slabs of creamy, tomatoey, cheesy perfection to a plate.
Be careful because they will be hot.
Serves one.
Guard your food fiercely when others approach you for a bite.
We hope you like this organic breakfast recipe and are encouraged to try more organic food for its superior taste.