Photography : Society & Culture & Entertainment

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When Good Equipment Matters

When Good Equipment Matters

If you go to a gathering of professional photographers, you'll almost always see speedlites by Canon, Nikon and Quantum. When you visit a photography studio you'll see floor lights by Bowens and Paul C. Buff.
Portrait Photography Tips: How To Set The Mood And Get The Best Candid Shots

Portrait Photography Tips: How To Set The Mood And Get The Best Candid Shots

These portrait photography tips will help you capture professional looking portraits every time. Discover how to pose your subjects, set the best possible lighting, and the correct lenses to create th
How To Build Your Camera Kit

How To Build Your Camera Kit

With all that is available in the line of accessories for your Digital SLR Camera, it can be quite confusing, even frustrating deciding which lenses to buy. Both Canon and Nikon have more than one hundred and fifty lenses to choose from.
A Revolution in the Professional Photography World

A Revolution in the Professional Photography World

Shannon Fagan, Ellen Boughn and Yuri Arcurs In a guest post by Shannon Fagan on Ellen Boughn's blog, Yuri Arcurs (hey, to start off a sentence with those three names in the first fifteen words---pretty ...
How to Photograph People Outdoors

How to Photograph People Outdoors

Taking great portraits outdoors is a photographic skill that looks deceptively simple: sunlight, smiles and shutter speeds seem endlessly high. However, shooting good photos at the park or the beach requires technique, skills and common photographer sense. Keeping track of the basics and adding a fe
Tips Taking Better Photos - Top 6 Tips For Better Pictures

Tips Taking Better Photos - Top 6 Tips For Better Pictures

Are you searching for tips to taking better photos? Are you frustrated because your photos don't look like those in the photography magazines? And you wonder how you can make better pictures? First, it's important to realize that it's not the camera that makes good pictures, but the p
Services to Print Photos

Services to Print Photos

In this digital age at the beginning of the 21st century, it is easy to forget to print hard copies of photos, which deserve to be displayed, rather than stored on a memory card or hard drive. There are a number of companies that allow consumers to print their photos cheaply and easily. Additionally
Display Pictures in Cardboard Photo Frames

Display Pictures in Cardboard Photo Frames

Make your room look beautiful with amazing photo frames and your memories in them. The perfect way of giving your room a beautiful look is not decorating it with showpieces but with photo frames and m
How to Learn to Use a Canon Digital SLR

How to Learn to Use a Canon Digital SLR

SLR (single lens reflex) cameras are unique for their ability to accept interchangeable lenses. In other words, rather than being restricted to the single, fixed lens of point-and-shoot cameras, SLR cameras are able to use different lenses on the same camera body. SLRs have a much higher learning cu
Adobe Photoshop Clipping Path Service Provided Companies

Adobe Photoshop Clipping Path Service Provided Companies

In graphics design there are plenty design related service as like Photoshop Clipping Path Service, High End Retouching, Object Removing, Image Restoration, Photoshop Image Masking, Reflection Shadow, Color Correction, Image Cropping, Apparel Adopt on Doll, ...
Digital Cameras Are Much More Than Your Traditional Camera

Digital Cameras Are Much More Than Your Traditional Camera

In the photography market today, digital cameras outsell traditional film cameras by a large margin, and digital photography is more popular than it has ever been, and it will only grow and evolve to become more popular.


Are you thinking of making a career out of photography? However, comparing it to other career options, you must be wondering if you should pursue photography as a career or not. If you're planning to ...
MazenAbusrour - He Holds Life in the Most Mesmerizing Photos

MazenAbusrour - He Holds Life in the Most Mesmerizing Photos

Photography is that something which renders imagination in tangible form. Everything can be photographed and be made to look more beautiful than it actually is or the other way round. Today, photography has laid its ...
What Is a Good Option and Purchase Agreement for Screenplays?

What Is a Good Option and Purchase Agreement for Screenplays?

One of the earliest steps in the making of a movie is selling the screenplay to a producer or production company. Sometimes, however, the screenplay isn't bought outright; the company or producer may sign an option agreement for the work before the purchase is finalized.
Digital Photography Training - Free 28 Page Digital Photography Training Guide

Digital Photography Training - Free 28 Page Digital Photography Training Guide

Written and illustrated by a professional photographer with the requirements of photograph and imaging fans under consideration, this practical and accessible guide is packed with expert recommendation, suggestions and tips. In this guide are answers to a few of the most commonly asked questions rec
Capturing Detailed Features in Jewelry Images

Capturing Detailed Features in Jewelry Images

In most jewelry photography, you do not want to draw attention away from the jewelry by introducing a person into the mix. With some of these creative pieces, there is no way to properly, and effectively, represent the item without doing just that.
Path To Interview A Wedding Photographer

Path To Interview A Wedding Photographer

You really need to hire a photographer at a wedding. As for your other wedding vendors will try to assess whether their services match what you need and where you need it. You must also ...
Corporate portrait photography tips

Corporate portrait photography tips

One of the challenging aspects of photography is portrait photography which requires a lot of attention to get that perfect shot. A portrait is not just a picture of a person but it is a window throug
Which Compact Digital Camera is the Best Overall? Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 Fits the Bill

Which Compact Digital Camera is the Best Overall? Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 Fits the Bill

There are so many compact digital cameras to choose from. How does one know which compact digital camera is the best over all?