Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Learn to Use a Canon Digital SLR

    • 1). Read the Canon SLR manual completely. The Canon manuals explain much about the features of SLR cameras and the specific features of Canon models. The manuals also include several tips and techniques that help you to use your camera correctly.

    • 2). Explore the features of the camera by taking test images. If there is a mode you do not understand, switch back and forth between the modes and take sample shots. Then, compare the photographs to see the difference each mode makes.

    • 3). Teach yourself only a few features at a time. For instance, if you do not yet understand how to configure aperture or shutter speed to create a perfectly metered photograph, do not jump immediately from program (automatic) mode to manual. Ease the transition by starting with aperture-priority or shutter-priority modes, which allow you to manually choose either the aperture or shutter speed while the camera automatically chooses the second to properly expose the photograph.

    • 4). Watch other photographers with SLR experience. One of the harder transitions between point-and-shoot cameras and SLRs is the handholding style. Most Canon SLRs do not feature a live preview LCD screen, which means you must take photographs by looking through the viewfinder. Watch how other photographers use their equipment and mimic their motions. Try to find a position that is comfortable and natural for you, and accept constructive criticism of your handholding technique.

    • 5). Take a photography class dedicated to digital SLRs. Classes at a local community college or university's extension office are typically inexpensive and available for amateurs who have no relationship with the school. Many classes discuss film camera techniques that are different than those required for digital cameras. If the course description is not clear, ask what kind of equipment the class requires.

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