Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Corporate portrait photography tips

One of the challenging aspects of photography is portrait photography which requires a lot of attention to get that perfect shot. A portrait is not just a picture of a person but it is a window through which one can read the entire personality of the person. When you look at a portrait, you must be able to understand the traits of the person, in other words, it is a resume of the person in one single picture. You can see the personality of the person reflecting from his or her eyes. If your photo fits into these requirements, then it qualifies as a successful portrait, a credit to your skills. If you are a beginner, then you can follow some simple tips to help you thrive as a great portrait photographer.

Read your model:

When you sign up for a portrait project, the first thing you must do is to understand your client's requirements. Know the person's strengths and try to get an idea of how you can take a photograph to coincide perfectly with those ideas.

Choose the perfect location:

Usually, studio portraits are preferred as you can have a uniform background and adjust the light settings as per your preferences. But if your client requires you to take the picture at the workplace or some other location, then you must consider selecting a location that would be apt. Also, decide when you want to have the photo shoot. Consider early morning or even the dusk as it would be a great time to shoot outdoor pictures.

Black or white background:

When you take indoor photographs, choose a subtle colour. Black or white backgrounds would be apt for indoors as they don't overwhelm the appearance of the model.  Dark colours make you miss the actual picture which is the model.

Dress code:

Ask your model to wear a formal dress with a uniform colour. Multi-coloured dress will again distract the attention of the viewer. See to it that the facial make-up is not too strong as this will not suit corporate portrait photography.

Discover the perfect pose:

Try different poses and take continuous shots that would help you get that perfect shot in the perfect timing.

Use light diffusers:

When taking a studio portrait, use light diffusers and umbrellas in the correct locations so as to allow the right amount of light to be focused on the face of the model. Adjust the lighting on the basis of available natural light in the room. If the room has a large window, then there will be plenty of natural light which will be sufficient enough for you to take beautiful pictures.

Spark in the eye:

This is the most important aspect and the essence of portrait photography. If your portrait doesn't have this, then it is no portrait at all. Keep in mind to capture the beauty of the eyes of the model. The eyes are the windows to the person's soul. Eyes speak a lot when speech does not. So master the art of bringing the beauty of the model's eyes in a picture.

These simple instructions will help you to be motivated to be a top class portrait photographer.


Check out Majella O'Regan ,a leading professional photographers in Ireland provides wedding & portrait photography services and make your moments lovable all throughout your life.

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