How to Feed Bloodworms to Dwarf Frogs
Dwarf frogs are pets requiring very little attention, but they are fascinating to watch as they move about the water. They are fully aquatic, spending their entire lives in the water. Dwarf frogs produce little waste, so maintaining their tanks is easy unless excess food sits there decaying over tim
Is There a Difference Between Freshwater Aquarium Salt & Marine Salt?
Fish hobbyists frequently use salt for both freshwater and saltwater (marine) fish species, and there is no difference between the basic salt used in freshwater aquariums and the salt used in saltwater aquariums. In fact, because the salt used in fish tanks is pure sodium chloride, non-iodized table
How to Build Fish Farms
You've probably noticed in grocery stores and restaurants that more and more fish being served is labeled as "farm-raised." However, farm-raised fish are typically sold by large, commercial fish-farm operations. That doesn't have to be the case, though. If you enjoy eating fish and want to save m
The Stunning Koi Fish Carp
If there was such a thing as a Fish Hall of Favorites, the koi fish carp would be an awesome contender. Seriously, with their breathtaking colors combined with their rapid movements and striking personalities, they can be easily recognized as one of the most magnificent ornamental freshwater fish.
BiOrb 16 Gallon Fish Tank Review
Choosing the right fish tank for your pets is not easy. There are so many options out there, how do you select the right setup for your situation?We take a look below at the mid-sized BiOrb 60 16 Gallon tank below, which has some interesting features for all levels of fish enthusiasts. BiOrb is an a
10 Facts on Angelfish
According to a survey by the American Pet Products Association, more than 14 million households claim fish as pets. There are hundreds of different types of fish you can buy for your aquarium, but few offer as much diversity as the angelfish. It is helpful to have some basic information about angelf
Brine Shrimp - How to Care For Them From Day One
Brine shrimp can grow to twenty millimeters long and are a very good food source for adult fishes. Brine shrimps are ideal fry food because of their nutritional value. They can survive up to five hours in fresh water, and eggs can withstand many years in storage as long as they're stored away f
Which Filters Are Best for a Koi Pond?
A koi pond filter removes or converts fish waste. Koi are sensitive fish, and water chemistry and overall water quality affects the health of this species. Every koi pond should incorporate biological filters. Beneficial bacteria cultures coat the biological material within these filters. The bacter
How to Breed Dwarf Marine Angelfish
There are many different types of marine angelfish. Centropyges are commonly known as dwarf or pygmys. They come in a large variety of different sizes and colors. All of these fish are sequential hermaphrodites. They are all born female and, if need be, turn into males for reproductive purposes. Som
How to Improve a SeaClone Protein Skimmer
The SeaClone Protein Skimmer is designed to remove organic metabolic waste from marine aquariums. This protein skimmer is a hang on model powered by a totally submersible Maxi-Jet 1200 pump. The pump is designed to produce micro-bubbles that swirl in a tornado-like fashion within the reaction chambe
Garden Selection For a Koi Pond
To help you choose the best site for a koi pond, let us consider various garden aspects. A site facing away from the sun is probably the worst option. During the winter months, the sun is much lower in the sky than in summer and will be behind the house for much of the day.
What Is the Best Food to Feed Guppies?
Food for Guppies needs to be varied just like for any other fish to ensure good health and vibrant colors. Guppies will eat just about anything that is put in front of them. Even if they don't like it, they will try if first.
How to Convert From Metal Halide to Fluorescent
Reef aquarists worldwide continue to debate the costs and benefits of metal halide (MH) and T-5 fluorescent lighting. Switching to a T-5 system saves money. The bulbs last longer, are cheaper, and cost less to operate. Second, anything that can be grown under a metal halide setup can be grown under
How to Move a Toadstool Leather
Toadstool mushroom leather coral are a peaceful coral that does well in reef aquariums. Provide adequate space between the toadstool and surrounding corals in the reef, because the toadstool produces harmful toxins and can sting adjacent corals. It is easy to maintain and toadstool mushrooms are rel
Keeping Malawi Cichlids
Lake Malawi Cichlids encompass a huge array of colors and shapes of tropical fish. However, you do need to ensure that you get the aquarium conditions right in order to give them the best possible care.
How the Fish Keeping Hobby Developed Over the Years
Fish keeping is a hobby which having a long history. Keeping fish in a closed environment has been tradition in the past. In the Roman Empire, people used to keep sea barbels in tanks for entertaining guests.
Best Foods for Betta Fish
Bettas have a distinctive look -- and distinctive tastes.profile fish image by Robert Calvillo from Fotolia.comBettas, also known as Siamese fighting fish, have exquisitely flowing tails and thrive in small, simple fish bowls, making them attractive pets for many fish lovers. While bettas...
Aiptasia in the Reef Aquarium Can Be a Big Problem - Here Are a Few Solutions
Have you got aiptasia in your coral reef aquarium? Did you Know there are many solutions? There are a few natural methods to consume this pest anemone and a product is available to buy of the shelf. Read this article to find out more.
How to Make a Planted Aquarium
Planted freshwater aquariums can be a joy to keep, but they require special care; particularly if you keep fish in the same aquarium. The problem you'll run into isn't a question of water quality, but rather the growth of the plants in the ideal aquarium environment. You will find that some plants w
How to Breed Blue Fin Killi Fish
Blue fin killifish, also known as blue fin topminnows, are small fish, only growing to about 2 ½ inches long. They are brightly colored with a stripe-like marking. These little fish are peaceful and active, making them interesting additions to the home aquarium. They spawn in the same way as