Discus Fish - Disease and Their Risks
Native from the Amazon and effectively bred across the world in aquariums, discus aren't as fragile or delicate as you might think. Nevertheless, all breeders need to be conscious of all the dangers of discus fish disease, as they're frequently subject to numerous health issues due to impr
Understanding Cichlid Mating
Cichlids are either monogamous or polygamous fish with mating habits that have been shown to strongly influence many aspects of breeding behavior, including courtship and brooding. However, cichlid mating habits and the effects they have on other aspects of breeding behavior can vary from species to
How to Tell When Your Female Betta Will Lay Eggs
Laying eggs is a sign that your betta is in a healthy and safe environment, with or without a male present. Bettas are considered spawning fish. This means that a female first lays the eggs and then a male fertilizes them. Because of this, a male is not needed for a female to lay eggs, though those
Build a Koi Pond? Hmm, OK - So Now How Big Do I Build a Koi Pond?
Hopefully you have selected a good site for building a koi pond. Now we can get to the good stuff about how to build a koi pond like how big and how deep your koi pond should be.
Creating A Dinosaur Theme For An Aquarium
When it comes to little boys, there are a number of themes that you could try which will definitely get them excited about owning an aquarium. Among them are pirates, aliens and dinosaurs. I have already talked about the Pirate and Alien Themes in previous articles, so let's take a look at the
Why Do I Need a Protein Skimmer?
Protein skimmers are expensive and bulky. Many people wonder if maybe they can do without this saltwater aquarium accessory. Once the protein skimmer's function is understood, people understand how vital it is to having a healthy and beautiful salt water tank.
Best Types of Aquarium Filters
There are many types of aquarium filters on the market. To be sure that your aquarium is running at full capacity, you need the right filter. Which one you get depends on the type of aquarium you have and the size of it.
Tips for Owning Mexican Walking Fish
Axolotls thrive in well maintained aquariums.Aquarium image by crossgolfing from Fotolia.comThe Mexican Walking Fish, or axolotl, is a popular pet due to its hardy, low-maintenance nature and bizarre appearance. These strange amphibians from the Basin of Mexico may live their entire lives...
How to Use Ceramic Bio Rings in a Canister Filter
Ceramic bio rings are permeable surfaces that foster plenty of valuable microbes in the canister filters of fish tanks. This surplus of benevolent bacteria these rings support helps maintain a healthy and balanced makeshift ecosystem by keeping toxic fish by-products such as ammonia and nitrite to a
White-Spot Disease on Saltwater Fish
One of the unfortunate side effects of keeping fish in an aquarium is that you have multiple fish living together at close quarters. This makes it easier for fish to develop and spread diseases including Saltwater Ich, also known as White-Spot Disease. Fortunately, this disease is a treatable condit
What is a Mummichog Life Cycle?
The mummichog is a minnow-like fish that lives off the American shores of the Atlantic Ocean, known for its ability to live in the harshest of living conditions. This hardiness is one of the reasons they are often used in toxicological studies.
Watch Your Goldfish Mating
Seeing your goldfish mating for the first time can be quite an entertaining show for you and any guests you might have in your home with you. If you weren't sure of your individual goldfish's gender, you can easily make the distinction when you first see your goldfish mating in their aquar
Build a Koi Pond
When you build a koi pond you need to decide the best place to put your pond, how big you want it to be, the shape/depth, whether you want fish or not, and many other details. You even should choose a theme, the type of plants that you will use to create a certain look.
12 Steps To Maintaining A Saltwater Aquarium
As with all living things, it takes routine maintenance to keep fish healthy and an aquarium looking great. The best way to avoid stress and, ultimately, diseases is to keep the water in the aquarium in ideal condition entails regular water changes, siphoning (vacuuming) the substrate and cleaning e
Salt Water Aquariums
Keeping a salt water aquarium is becoming popular nowadays and more as more people have started to show interest in this hobby. Compared with a fresh water aquarium, a salt water aquarium is rather difficult to setup and manage.
Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis (Ich) And Fish
Is there a fish in your tank that has started to look and act a little weird? Is it swimming odd, scratching against rocks or lethargic? Does the fish have suspicious white dots growing on its body? These spots look as if the fish has been sprinkled with a salt shaker. If the answer to these questio
Choosing the Right Size Aquarium For Your Betta
In this article, I want to talk about choosing the right size aquarium to house your betta fish. There are a lot of different vases, bowls, and small tanks on the market made to house your betta.
How to Make an Aquarium Pump
Choosing the right pet is a big decision. Larger pets, such as cats and dogs, need to have shots and regular veterinary checkups. These checkups can put a larger dent in your wallet, not to mention the cost of food. Fish, on the other hand, can provide hours of entertainment and are relatively cheap
How to Build a Waterfall Over a Salt Water Aquarium
Healthy saltwater aquariums have strong water circulation and current. Most of the colorful reef fish and invertebrate animals, such as hard polyp stony corals and anemones, come from a turbulent and fast-flowing environment. Water running down into the aquarium from above can add to the turbulence
Koi Eye Diseases
A Koi pond is a beautiful addition to property.koi pond image by MPH from Fotolia.comKoi parasites and diseases are present in most koi ponds, but a disease episode is usually triggered by some type of stressor. Poor water conditions, rough handling, poor nutrition or harassment by a...