Recommendations for Women With Chronic Hepatitis C
The natural history and clinical outcomes of hepatitis C virus infection differ between women and men. How should its management differ?
New JCAHO Medication Management Standards for 2004
The new JCAHO medication management standards place a greater emphasis on medication safety and are more detailed and prescriptive than previous standards.
Cervical Screening and Cervical Cancer Death in Older Women
Is there significant benefit in extending cervical cancer screening guidelines to include women older than 65 years?
Ki-67 Expression in Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Ki-67 protein, a cellular marker for proliferation, has been found to be prognostic in several cancers, and is associated with HPV infection. Is it useful as a prognostic indicator in penile SCC?
Effects of Ginger for Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy
Is ginger safe and effective for the relief of morning sickness?
Temperature, Humidity, and Risk of Recurrent Gout Attacks
Does hot and humid weather increase the risk of gout attack?
Estimating the Cost of Increasing Retention in HIV Care
How expensinve would it be to scale-up retention in care interventions for HIV-infected patients?
Paroxysmal Hypertension, Pheochromocytoma, and Pregnancy
Antenatal diagnosis is crucial to avoid maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.
Statin-Associated Muscle Symptoms: Impact on Statin Therapy
Statin-associated muscle symptoms are one of the principal reasons for statin non-adherence. What's the plan when patients don't tolerate statins?
Broadcast Transmitters and Risk of Childhood Cancer
Proximity to broadcast transmitters has been hypothesized to cause childhood cancer, but evidence is lacking. This study focused on leukemia and CNS cancers--is there an associated risk?
Adding a Dopamine Agonist to Levodopa Therapy in Parkinson's Disease
When the benefits of levodopa fade in patients with Parkinson’s disease, is it better to raise the dose or to add a dopamine agonist? This meta-analysis addresses that question.
Promoting Self-directed Learning Using Virtual Patient Cases
Is education using virtual patient cases as effective as traditional teaching methods?
Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease
While the endocrine functions of vitamin D have been extensively studied, robust epidemiological evidence also suggests a close association between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. . .
Parkinson's Disease: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management
Get the latest on evaluating and treating Parkinson's Disease.
Evaluation of Criteria of DIC in Pediatric Patients
In this article, the authors compares the predictive ability of two scoring systems for identifying pediatric patients with overt disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Commentary: The Seven Plagues of Epigenetic Epidemiology
The authors of this commentary identify seven critical biological, technical and methodological issues that may complicate--and confound--epigenetic study results.
Role of Routine Chest Radiography After per Cutaneous Dilatational
The role of routine chest radiography after percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy has been questioned.
Atrial Fibrillation Treated With Vitamin K Antagonism
How does rivaroxaban compare with warfarin for reductions in cardiovascular events -- in patients with atrial fibrillation and a prior MI?
APNs' Use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Information
Find out why chilling-out to combat prescription drug diversion and abuse may not be such a bad idea.
Uterine Rupture After Previous Cesarean Delivery
The use of amnioinfusion in women with previous cesarean delivery who are undergoing a trial of labor may be a safe procedure.