Patients With Diabetes Requiring ED Care for Hypoglycemia
Gain a better understanding of the characteristics and outcomes of type 1 and type 2 diabetics who present to the ED with hypoglycemia.
APNs' Use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Information
Find out why chilling-out to combat prescription drug diversion and abuse may not be such a bad idea.
Drugs for Pain Associated With Postherpetic Neuralgia
What pharmacological therapies are most effective for the treatment of neuropathic pain such as postherpetic neuralgia, MS-related pain, central poststroke pain, and HIV-related neuropathy?
A Pharmacy Practice Experience on Medication Adherence
Did this simulation activity improve student understanding of medication adherence?
Giant Cell Arteritis Mimicking Multiple Myeloma; Diagnosed by PET Scan
This case report describes a patient who presented with weight loss, significant anemia, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate and monoclonal gammopathy, highly suspicious for multiple myeloma.
HPV in ASC-US Cytology and Cervical Precancer Risk
This study assessed the efficacy of the Aptima HPV genotype assay for cervical cancer risk stratification in women with an ASC-US cytology diagnosis.
Risk of Cardiovascular Serious Adverse Events With Varenicline
Questions have been raised concerning the risk of cardiovascular serious adverse events with the smoking cessation aid varenicline. Is there a significantly elevated risk?
Matched Pair Analysis of Ureteroscopy vs. Shock Wave Lithotripsy
A robust like-for-like comparison of these techniques can now help resolve the question on how best to manage ureteric calculi.
Consumption Levels of Dietary Fats and Oils in 1990 and 2010
This ambitious study sought to quantify global consumption of key dietary fats and oils by country, age, and sex in 1990 and 2010. How have patterns of consumption changed?
Diagnosis of a Breast Hydatid Cyst Using FNA Cytology
The breast mass in this 70-year-old woman proved to have a very unusual cause.
Azithromycin for Bronchial Asthma in Adults
How effective is azithromycin in treating chronic asthma in adults?
Dumpling Soup
What is the concept of "dumpling soup", and how could it positively impact your communication skills?
IgG4+ Plasma Cells in Isolated Reactive Lymphadenopathy
This study indicates that diagnoses based on an increased number of IgG4+ plasma cells could put patients at risk of overdiagnosis for systemic IgG4+ disease.
Accelerated HBV Vaccination Schedule in Drug Users
Adherence to the standard vaccination schedule of the hepatitis B vaccine is a common problem among drug users. Could an accelerated schedule provide sufficient protection while improving compliance?
Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis for Risk Pulmonary Embolism
Find out about a local thrombolysis regimen for the treatment of pulmonary embolism.
Caring for the Underserved: Exemplars in Teaching
How do we teach pharmacy students awareness, knowledge, and the skills needed to provide care to the underserved?
Surge in US Outpatient Vitamin D Deficiency Diagnoses
This study assessed and analyzed the rate of vitamin D deficiency diagnoses provided between 2007 and 2010. What accounts for the dramatic increase in diagnoses over this period?
Vitamin D Deficiency in Congestive Heart Failure
Recent research has implicated vitamin D deficiency as a factor in cardiovascular disorders. What is its exact mechanism in cardiac dysfunction?
Protection From Increased Risk of Death After Bereavement
It is well documented that death of a spouse or partner can lead to an increased risk of illness and death in older adults. Does good physical health and high socioeconomic status mitigate the risk?
Improving Assessment of Perioperative Risk in Children
This study presents a preliminary tool for the evaluation of perioperative risk for children. How well can it predict outcomes?