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Designing and Evaluating Patient Safety Improvement Programs

Designing and Evaluating Patient Safety Improvement Programs

LogFrame Matrix: Developing Interventions

The LogFrame matrix (Fig. 3) provides two left-side columns to describe the vertical logic for Objective 1 which is to increase the percent of ICUs with an effective CUSP team. The three right-hand columns are part of the horizontal logic (described in the next section) that supports the evaluation plan for Objective 1.

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Figure 3.

Objective 1 LogFrame matrix.

The top three rows (Goal, Result and Objective) are 'strategy': they link Objective 1 (increase the percent of ICUs with an effective CUSP team) to the targeted intermediate result of reducing CLABSI, which in turn contributes to the goal of reducing mortality and length of stay for ICU patients. The bottom three rows are tactics: they describe how the program plans to achieve this strategy: what outputs are needed to achieve the objective; what activities are needed to create these outputs and what inputs or resources are needed to carry out the planned activities.

The outputs for this example are attitudes beliefs and behaviors considered sufficient, given assumptions, demonstrate achievement of the specified objective (to increase the number of ICUs with an effective CUSP team). The beneficiaries of the ICU Project are patients, the hospitals with ICUs participating in the Project and their staff. LogFrame matrices and evaluation plans for Objectives 2–5 of the ICU Project are available by contacting the corresponding author.

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